May 25, 2009 00:04
- 02:06 @ rican4weekend dicklicker! ;P jk :)))) #
- 02:09 sleep deprived, chillin' with a bunch of people at casa de @i_amevil, texting john, being amused although lethargic... etc. #
- 03:37 freakin' tireddddddd. #
- 04:36 CADILLACS* duh, leslie. #
- 04:38 @ rican4weekend heeeyyyyy, whatchu got goin' on tomorrow (sunday/today), etc. we need to hit up nimbus
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May 24, 2009 00:05
- 00:32 b-dub's! #
- 01:33 chillin' at casey's! #
- 03:58 lolz :) RT @LuvOrHate RT @lvenglarcz: I love hanging out with guys. girls are just fucking annoying. well, mostly. #
- 04:00 @ daoism muchas gracias! :) I need to try zees! :o #
- 05:06 I need to check into a sleep clinic. desperately. #
May 23, 2009 00:05
- 03:32 I think I'm too adhd to listen to music while I fall asleep... #
- 14:11 - I am a vacuum. #
- 16:13 don't trust me by 3OH!3 is on the radio... I'm confused~ :P #
- 16:29 SO. DAMN. TRUE. "money that ain't there, you can't count on!" -mike and bob show via 96x #
- 16:36 I'm driving and my hand is cramping up from vacuuming. SO NOT
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May 22, 2009 00:10
- 01:11 @ CAGoodbred throbbing* #
- 03:50 is a person still a hypocrite if one acknowledges one's hypocrisy and admits to false virtue? #
- 04:36 SHIT! ughhhh~ I have a real bad habit of dropping things into liquids. especially milk. #
- 12:57 dammit mom. why aren't you here? #
- 15:31 jumping in the shower. hopefully I'll be able to leave directly after. #
May 21, 2009 00:17
- 02:37 yay! taking down old shit and putting up new pictures on my walls. #
- 03:00 I need a hug. #
- 16:37 "I'm going to take you to costco or sam's and get you a freakin' indoor voice. and I'm stoppin' at target to get some pow-pow's!" #
- 16:46 my mom said she's going to take me to "costco or sam's" and get me "a freakin' indoor voice." #
- 17:13 haha
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May 20, 2009 00:08
- 00:28 home! #
- 00:44 I need a bigger bathtub :( lolz #
- 02:39 "I miss you. you miss me, too. don't deny it." "i wont" #
- 02:40 "Leslie is confused and frustrated." "about what?" "social life" "you mean you have one of those? tell me what its like" #
- 02:42 "well you may not be able to come to me, but you can always count on me. nmw" I love jordan. that
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May 19, 2009 00:05
- 00:35 HA! "I'd love to know what goes through your head 'cause you'll be staring blankly and then you suddenly get this smirk on your face." #
- 00:39 the delirium is setting in. again. still. more so. #
- 01:13 I want threaded texts! #
- 03:20 dexter is hogging my mothertrucking bed
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May 18, 2009 00:05
- 00:16 finally home... what to do, what to do :/ #
- 00:20 @ CAGoodbred haha, true true. what to wear? jeans, shorts? #
- 00:24 I get better internet reception out in sandbridge than I do at home! :( I fucking hate my damn wireless router. er, more like it hates me. #
- 01:08 shit. I'm such a sucker for please and thank you. faauuuuckkkkk #
- 01:49 third
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May 17, 2009 00:05
- 00:18 "loud outbursts are fuuuun..." #
- 02:45 phone was off. just got a shitload of texts/tweets. sleep now. holla :* #
- 02:50 zkv17 woke me up and now I can't get back to sleep... probably a good thing, but I have nothing really that I feel like doing. lazy mofo~ #
- 04:44 I thought I sent in a tweet about my phone being off but it's not showing up in
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May 16, 2009 00:05
- 01:46 home! #
- 01:53 stupid idiots insist on buying me drinks. then more stupid idiots insist on talking to me? weird night. not horrible, thankfully... just odd #
- 12:32 downloading album art for itunes. 'cause I'm an ocd elitist that way. #
- 12:40 @ JoshuaAbrams I love you so much! thank you for putting up with me and my ranting about dumb boys last
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