There was a question last week (?) in
thesims2 asking if it was possible to change the genetic values of default eyes. I left instructions in the post on how to do it yourself, but I'd never tried it, so I couldn't guarantee if it could work. But I was curious and just tried it and it did work, so...
THIS MOD has all the default eyes (regular and alien) all set to a genetic of 1, so they're all equal.
The eye question reminded me of one I asked ages ago about if it was possible to change the genetic of the alien skin. I had a bunch of fantasy skins at the time, and I wanted the alien skin to be able to pick out any of the other in between geneticised skins. I was told it wasn't possible... but after fiddling with the eyes, I tested it out with the alien skin and it is possible.
THIS MOD has the alien skin set to a genetic of 0.01 instead of 0. With an alien sim and an s4 sim in CAS, I rolled for children and got a variety of sims ranging from s1 skins, s4 skins, any inbetween shades and the alien skin rolled up fairly often inbetween as well. I don't have any fantasy skins in rigt now, but as long as they fell between the genetic of the alien and the skin of the other parent, I don't see why they wouldn't come up also.
Both files are able to be opened up in simPE so you can change the genetics to whatever you want. If you're unsure how to do that,
quinctia has a tutorial in her sim journal for skins
here and eyes