IT HURT SO BAD! I was squirming in pain the whole time I was trying to post this. :| Obviously LJ > my bladder.
It's not the best gv in the whole world, but it's definitely not the worst. I posted a couple gifs from it before, let me see if I can find the link again. OH! Here you go! They'll probably take forever to load because they are ridiculously long. On the second one, please note the subtle direction giving using his finger. :DDD
....I have no words for how awesome that picture is...
Comments 13
Also LOL LOL LOL at the 'omg I have to pee' mood ♥
Is this one worth a dl? Stupid question probably cuz otherwise why would you up it :P
Heechul x Driving = ♥
IT HURT SO BAD! I was squirming in pain the whole time I was trying to post this. :| Obviously LJ > my bladder.
It's not the best gv in the whole world, but it's definitely not the worst. I posted a couple gifs from it before, let me see if I can find the link again. OH! Here you go! They'll probably take forever to load because they are ridiculously long. On the second one, please note the subtle direction giving using his finger. :DDD
....I have no words for how awesome that picture is...
HAHAHAHAHA I SO do that actually, mostly on msn! Too busy jazzing/gabbing to want to get up and go XDDD
OMG those HAVE to be th longest gifs I have ev seen!! But I am liking the nonchalant smoking there, methinks I shall snag hen I clear space <3
Then more in that vein *is lazy today ad sjmarket offered up these beauties*
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