so, tonight, is my last night at hollywood video. its been coming, and for health reasons and stupid shit that's going on.. i'm done. that's it. i will find another job.
I am almost done with work, one hour to go. I am procrastinating. I love this job, its so cool. I feel very important. I am also in a better mood now that I took a 45 minute lunch nap. I can't wait to go home though. I gots some more survivor all stars to watch and some smallville
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She just couldn't tell me. Instead she used things that really hurt. I didn't see it coming. And now she blames me, and hates me for something that wasn't my ultimate decision. She blames me for things that she can't do. It isn't my fault. No matter what was said. I pushed really hard for her. Rooted for her. Supported her. I cared about her. How
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remember : sex, is only for now your hair, is only for now george bush, is only for now accept for death and paying taxes, everything in life is only for now...
Well, I know it's been forever since I've updated. But, I just haven't had any motivation, nor drive, nor care to do so. I read other's journals, but I haven't really had a comment, nor have I been too chatty
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Working for home depot. nothing glamorus but its 10$ an hour 7 hours a day. :)
yay :)
that's 1,400$ a month. I can pay my uncle back, I can get my car reparis done. I can get my second smog and get on with that, i can get my car insurance. :)