Title: "I Created You - I Can Destroy You!"
Author/Artist: skitty_kat
Rating: PG
Pairing(s)/character(s): Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore
Summary: This is probably some sort of metaphor for how Dumbledore created the man Severus is today. Or it's a story of a man who created what he thinks is a monster, and the man who doesn't think it
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Comments 5
I see what you mean about Dumbledore's hands - unintentional but I like the interpretation. Puppet master indeed, that bloke.
(Every good mad scientist keeps his graverobbing tools on hand)
Severus is, I think, tipping into defiance here, protesting against the Bride being created behind.
I do the nastiest things to the boys and I very much enjoy myself doing it. :)
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