
Aug 27, 2008 23:58

I find it so amazing that my first couple weeks back here I was so lonely and had no one to be with or talk to aside from the letters I traded with Eleanore, my old trainer. I spent so much time just moping and sleeping and painting here or there. I met a lot of nice people but it seemed too much was going on for me to intrude on befriending them.

And now just about all my free time is devoted to him, to Dimentio.

I forgot how wonderful it is to have someone to love. I hadn't had a boyfriend since, well, I left here, there wasn't any time as Ellie and I were traveling, plus, hard to meet someone from that region that wasn't a little scared to be dating a Pokémon or were kinda creepy about it. Besides, I had Ellie--not that same thing, of course, far from it, but we had each other as constant companions so I never thought much of it.

But Dimentio's been with me so much lately it's almost impossible to think that we've only known each other some odd weeks. I haven't had any time to document anything we've done, that's how little time I've had inbetween seeing him, preparing for class, and necessities like sleeping, eating, showering and painting.

I've showed him the rest of the town, showed him all the places Ellie and I used to hide and play or have secret meetings with, uh, gentlemen friends when in school. He insisted on trying out those spots, too, heehee.

He took care of me when I was sick after I took care of him being sick. Though he didn't know what to do for me so he just worried over me and hugged me hoping it would help, heehee. Silly guy, but I guess when you've rarely been sick for over a thousand years you don't know much on how to take care of someone who is sick.

We've gone out a lot. We've wandered in parks and the forest and the gardens--morning, day and night (I think nights are best, wonder if he does, too). Once he picked me up suddenly and I found myself flying over the grounds under the moon~~~dunno why he decided to carry me, maybe he thought I'd enjoy it, and I DID. He holding me tight, under the stars, and all? Nyag, who WOULDN'T.

He sometimes wears this outfit, like a jester, I didn't know what to think of it at first, I think I laughed at it in a kinda mean way (sorry Dimentio), but in the end it really fits him. His nature, his joviality, his wide smile, his occasional bursts of clowning around and doing magic to entertain me. It also fits him really well when he's in that mask form, he's not in it too often . . . he seems kinda different when he's in that form, nyag, I almost feel. Well, doesn't matter, what I'm getting at is I like the outfit now, and the hat has shiny dangling things on them. And they shine. And they dangle.

I hope he doesn't mind I sometimes hit them.

And chew them. :I

We talk a lot but I can't even think of what the heck we talk about, it's such a blur, a wonderful blur. I think we've talked about just about everything. He still tells me stories, and I tell him about my battles, and he never seems bored to hear about them. Even about the embarrassing "contests" Ellie tried to put me in where I was dressed up all stupid like and made to perform in front of judges . . . I mean it's fine and dandy for some people but I'm not here to perform, I'm here to fight--

I can't keep my thoughts straight. It's very late. And I couldn't really sleep but I'm still tired nonetheless, I hope this isn't unreadable when I next see it.

He's asleep in my bed, I can turn around and see him in the light of the monitor. He's curled up on his side, his arms are stretched out 'coz that's where I HAD been. I hope he doesn't wake up 'coz of it and think I like abandoned him or something. But he's a pretty deep sleeper if he manages to get to sleep. I think it's easier for him when he's with me . . . I can at least sing him to sleep for the most part. Hee, he shifted slightly and now he's snoring, it's like a cute little wheezing snore.

I should get back in bed with him.

But I wanna talk more about him. So much to say. We haven't actually done anything, like, sex-wise. Which is fine, no need to rush into anything. But I think I want to. And I think he does, too, I feel bad at the expression he sometimes has when after kissing and rolling around on the couch/bed/grass/desk for a long while I put a stop to it.

I've just been scared about it.

Just the usual cold feet I guess. I guess also because he's a student. I half expect us to be naked and ready in bed when like Master Hand randomly shows up and cans me. Nyag....

But I like him so much.

He still sometimes has these fits, though, of paranoia and almost anger. They don't last long, but it worries me. Behaviour like this, frankly, isn't unusual to me, mostly from my time at this school years ago, and some people and Pokémon I've met and traveled with, but I still worry about him. I'm not scared for myself, I'm more scared for him.

But, it's fine.

He seems to like me, too. I mean, he's always smiling at me, and sitting close and holding my hand or cuddling on me, and laughing or giggling or looking at me with quiet fondness that makes me shiver (and grab him and hug him and kiss him). He's surprisingly touchy-feely--not that I mind, of course, I really love it. Skitties are naturally cuddly, so it's nice to be cuddled back. :I But, yes, just surprising for any guy to do that, in my experience . . . It's almost like. He never really had before? Or at least for a really really long time. I sometimes think about that, like what if he hadn't had someone love him for like 720 years or something, and he's been lonely ALL THIS TIME? That's a horrible horrible thought.

So I'll hold him as much as he wants.

I'm going to go back to bed. He's kinda snorting and arms are twitching . . . aw, they're flopping about, I think he's trying to find me, hahah.

I haven't even written Ellie about him yet. I-I should. I want to tell someone that I'm falling in love with quiet possibly the most interesting person I'll ever meet.

Oh, I finished the painting~

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