(no subject)

Sep 13, 2005 00:10

This is what I've stooped to.

Click here.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) If theguz and ilovedancetv were spliced together, what would it be like? like splicing hitler and gahndi together
2) Would you set up shotgunscarlet and swollenbeckon? yeah, it would totally fit
3) What is goosebag's favorite food? nice, tasty fishes
4) How tall is emptybullet? probably like 5'11''
5) What exotic animal would thered_star like as a pet? a chameleon
6) What would you do if yindsmonk died? be very upset of course
7) What languages does hellyeabeer speak? english, samurai
8) Does fifteen_blows travel a lot? not that i'm aware of
9) Is emptybullet friends with mynameiskeywang? im pretty sure that's a negative
10) What planet should the_rain_drops be from? sexiopia
11) What song/movie would you recommend to shotgunscarlet? The Hives - Hate To Say I Told You So
12) Are goodbye_glory and _angelapangela going steady? no way, jose
13) Is idmwhizbang single? no, he has a gf named crystal
14) If dan100 commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? the geeks of the world, aphex twin fans, and me
15) Where was _rainydaykisses born? no idea
16) How would thered_star conquer the world? through humor
17) Are pumkinsrockon and excess_baggage married? not in the least bit
18) Has _rainydaykisses been to your house/dorm? never inside, but shes been to it before
19) Do you have takebackyourass's screenname? nope
20) What do you agree with goosebag about? music probably
21) Does zeroghost do drugs? used to i think
22) Does yindsmonk go to your school? nopers
23) Does midnite_drive know dan100? maybe so...not sure
24) What is biggerthanbones allergic to? penises
25) What mental disorder does shapeshyft remind you of? nymphomania
26) Where did you first meet pumkinsrockon? at school in 5th grade
27) How long would x_just_jess_x dating _girls_day_in_ last? it would never happen
28) Which of your friends should allofautumn go out with? chad, he needs a girl
29) Which president would pokeydokeydots be likely to idolize? truman
30) Is xmy_eyes_burnx athletic? im not too sure on this one
31) If emptybullet was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Officer Evil (as in police officer)
32) If hothothaley had a superpower, what would it be? driving without shoes
33) What video game does hothothaley remind you of? Halo 2 by association
34) What flavor of jello would allofautumn be? grape
35) What animal should _angelapangela be combined with? an elephant
36) What is _rainydaykisses's favorite game? scrabble?
37) Does owe_owe_kevo smoke? i don't think so
38) Is _rainydaykisses 1337? what???
39) What would shotgunscarlet think of vodka__shots? i think they know eachother, don't know how they feel
40) Is anti_prometheus related to you? do i look like a terrorist?
41) Would owe_owe_kevo go out with mynameiskeywang? sexy...
42) What rank would hellyeabeer have in a giant robot army? Chief Samurai Slaughterer Of Souls
43) Do goodbye_glory and genesm go to the same school? they don't even live in the same state
44) Where was 7easy_payments born? essexville I'm guessing
45) Where would fifteen_blows most like to visit? my butthole
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