Veronica sighs and relaxes in his arms. Logan holds her close and rubs his cheek against her hair but his face is stiff and hard, his eyes dark with fury. Cut to Tuesday morning. Veronica and Logan get out of Logan's SUV. They walk over to meet Ed, who is already waiting by Darcy's apartment building. Ed nods at Logan then looks questioningly at Veronica.
VERONICA: I couldn't convince him to stay home after he saw the pictures.
ED: (Nods understandingly) Can't say I blame him. (To Logan) How are you?
LOGAN: (Grimly) I'll be better once I shove that fucker's camera up his ass.
Ed smiles faintly and leads the way across to the building. They pass under an archway and come into a pool area. There are only a few people milling about the common area.
ED: I've already done some recon while I waited for you. All the apartments have doors facing the pool and courtyard. Most of the people who live here are either retirees or college-age students. It's a quiet complex, not a lot of problems here.
VERONICA: This is like my apartment complex at home. What do they say about Darcy?
ED: The neighbors say she's a nice girl but her new boyfriend is bad for her. They hear yelling from her apartment when he's around.
LOGAN: (Eagerly) Is he here?
ED: No, but she's supposed to be home.
VERONICA: Okay, then let's go talk to her.
They walk up to Darcy's door and Ed raps on the doorframe. They hear movement from inside but no one comes to the door. Ed raps again.
VERONICA: (Raising her voice) Darcy? My name is Veronica. I need to speak with you for a minute.
The shade covering the glass portion of the door moves aside as someone peers out. The door opens slightly and a fresh-faced blond steps into the crack.
DARCY: Do I know you?
VERONICA: (Surprised) Darcy Coehn?
VERONICA: (Flushes) I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you without the makeup and costume.
DARCY: Costume?
She looks past Veronica to Logan and Darcy's mouth tightens.
DARCY: (Glaring) You're the guys who got me fired.
LOGAN: And your boyfriend is the one who vandalized my car.
DARCY: (Shrugs) I don't know anything about your car and he's not my boyfriend anymore. Not after what happened on Friday night.
ED: (Quietly) What happened on Friday night?
Darcy responds to Ed's concerned tone and relaxes a bit.
DARCY: After I was fired, we got in to a fight in the parking lot. I told him it was over for good and he started shoving me around.
ED: (Concerned) Did he hurt you?
Darcy opens her door fully and holds out her arms. They are finger-shaped bruises on her upper arms.
DARCY: I've also got a big bruise on my lower back. Fortunately, the bouncers heard me screaming and got rid of him before he could do more.
ED: (Grimly) Has he hurt you before?
DARCY: No, usually he screams and yells a lot. That was the first time he got really physical. (Her voice firms) And the last.
VERONICA: (Worried voice) Do you think he'll come after you again?
DARCY: I don't know. But it turns out I didn't know much about him, anyway.
VERONICA: What do you mean?
Darcy hesitates for a moment then steps back from her door.
DARCY: Why don't you come inside? I'd rather not discuss my private business in the courtyard.
They walk into Darcy's living room and Veronica introduces herself, Logan and Ed. They sit down as Veronica explains about the vandalism to Logan's car and the pictures.
DARCY: I didn't realize how much of a freak Arnie was until Friday night. He recognized Logan and kept encouraging me to dance for him. (Looks at Logan) Arnie kept talking about how rich and dumb you are. He kept calling you "our cash cow".
Logan's mouth tightens and he looks away.
DARCY: I told Arnie you weren't interested and he became angry. He said I wasn't trying hard enough. That's when I realized he was bad news and told him to leave me alone. Then he went up to you and tried to pick a fight.
LOGAN: (Understandingly) Waiting for me to throw the first punch so he could sue me?
DARCY: Something like that. But I didn't go along with it and the bouncers threw him out. I don't know anything about your car or any photos. After our fight, I spent the night at a girlfriend's house. I spent Saturday morning filing a police report.
VERONICA: Good for you.
DARCY: Not that good. I called the cops this morning to check on the status of my complaint and they informed me that no one named Arnold Davis lives at the address I gave. Apparently, he was crashing at a buddy's house until she kicked him out.
VERONICA: (Sympathetically) I'm sorry.
DARCY: I'm not. I knew there was something wrong with him when he kept pushing me to let him move in with me. He was moving too fast. And he'd scream and yell all the time.
LOGAN: (Disappointed) So you don't know how to get in touch with him? Do you have his cell number?
DARCY: (Shakes her head) That was a bust, too. The phone was registered to the girl he was shacked up with.
ED: (Concerned) Do you think he'll try to come after you?
DARCY: I don't know, but I'm not going to give him another chance to hurt me. My friend said I could crash with her for a few days. Hopefully, the cops will find him soon.
ED: Maybe we can help.
ED: Did Arnie leave anything here, clothes, toothbrush, or any person effects that might have fingerprints on it?
DARCY: No, I wouldn't let him.
Ed looks disappointed.
DARCY: Look, I'd offer you guys a drink or something but I really want to get going before Arnie shows up here again.
ED: (Getting up) Of course.
VERONICA: (Brightening) A drink! Darcy, did you offer Arnie a drink recently?
DARCY: (Taken aback) Yeah, he has a favorite brand of beer.
ED: Do you still have the beer?
DARCY: I think there are some cans still in the fridge. (Snorts) It's the only thing he ever brought me. (Brightens) Wait, I even have some empty cans in the recycling bin. Those would have fingerprints, right?
ED: (Grinning) I need a plastic bag.
Cut to a few minutes later. Veronica, Logan, Ed and Darcy leave her apartment. Logan is carrying a duffle bag and Darcy has a garment bag over her arm. Ed is holding a plastic garbage bag and looking pleased.
DARCY: I'm sorry I can't help you track down Arnie. I'd really like for him to get what he deserves.
VERONICA: (Looks around the complex) Maybe you can.
VERONICA: I live in an apartment complex a lot like yours. I have a lot of older neighbors who like to hang around and see what's going on. Is there anyone like that in your complex?
DARCY: (Grins) Every one of them. That's one of the reasons I moved here. I know there is always somebody around to keep an eye on things.
VERONICA: (Looks pleased) You said Arnie was really jealous. If we can't find him maybe you can help us encourage him to find us.
DARCY: (Shakes her head) I don't understand.
VERONICA: You and Logan go to one of your nosey neighbors. Tell them that you're going to stay with your new boyfriend for a few days. Then both of you will leave in Logan's SUV. Even if your neighbors can't give a good description of Logan, they'll definitely describe his car.
LOGAN: (Nods) Good plan. Arnie knows where we live. Once he hears that Darcy's with me, he come to us.
ED: (Shakes his head) Not such a good plan. We don't know how dangerous Arnie really is. We've already seen what he's done to Darcy.
LOGAN: (Determinedly) He's a pussy who likes to beat up women. I can take him. I owe him for those damn pictures. Plus, I won't be alone. Duncan and Wallace are there, too.
DARCY: What about my car? I don't want to leave it here for Arnie to vandalize.
VERONICA: Not a problem. I'll take your car and meet you at the gas station up the block. Then Logan can follow you to your friend's house to make sure you get there safely. (Turns to Ed) Is it okay if I ride to work with you, Ed?
Cut to later that morning in the Montecito security office. Ed is the running the fingerprints they lifted from the beer cans. Veronica is pacing and talking quietly on her cell phone.
VERONICA: (Puts her cell phone away) That was Logan on the phone. Arnie's taken the bait. Logan said that Arnie called Darcy while she was driving. Arnie called her a lot of nasty names and threatened her. But she's safe at her friend's place. Logan hung around for a while to make sure. Plus I swept her car to make sure there were no tracking devices.
ED: But now Logan is a target. I don't like this.
VERONICA: (Confidently) Logan can handle it. He's pretty tough. He's been through a lot more than you can imagine.
ED: In the short time I've known him, he's gotten into fights, been drugged, kidnapped and witnessed a gang shooting. That boy's got to have a backbone made of titanium. (Pauses thoughtfully) Come to think of it, so should you. You've been through almost everything he has.
He is about to say more but a beep from the computer system distracts him. They look up at the screen as the system finds a match to Arnie's fingerprints.
ED: (Reading out loud) Arnold Davis Topper, also know as Arnold Davis, David Topper, Thomas Davis and Arnold Thomas. And look here, he has three outstanding warrants, all for assault or domestic battery.
VERONICA: (Also reading) He's been a busy boy. He also has a bunch of forgery and bounced check complaints. I guess he was stealing money from his girlfriends as well as banging them around.
ED: (Growls) Guys like him make me sick. They bully and beat up on people who are weaker than them. Now I really want to get this guy.
VERONICA: Logan should be home soon. Duncan, Chase and Wallace are already there and know what's going on. So, now it's just a matter of waiting for Arnie to show up.
ED: I'll drive you home and we'll set up a reception committee for Arnie.
VERONICA: (Pleased but tries to hide it) Ed, you don't have to do this. We can handle this on our own. You've already done so much.
ED: (Snorts) And miss out on all the fun? No way.
Cut to late that night. Veronica, Logan, Ed, Wallace, Chase and Duncan are sitting in the living room.
LOGAN: (Tensely) What is taking this guy so long? Why hasn't he tried anything yet?
WALLACE: Maybe he knows that we're all here waiting for him?
ED: How could he? I parked my car down the street. There was no one around when we came into the house. The drapes are closed so he can't see into the downstairs. He can't know we're all here waiting for him.
CHASE: (Bored) Is all detective work this dull?
VERONICA: I'm afraid so.
CHASE: Then I'm going to bed. Wake me up if anything exciting happens.
ED: (Thoughtfully) That's a good idea. Maybe he's waiting until everything's quiet to make his move. That's what he did the last time.
VERONICA: So, we'll just take turns staying up and waiting for him.
ED: Not necessary. It will be better if you all follow your nightly routines.
Logan shakes his head vehemently.
LOGAN: No way. I'm not going to be able to sleep with this asshole running lose. (Stubbornly) And I want to be here when he tries something.
ED: (Agreeably) Fine, do what you normally do, wait half an hour then come on back down.
VERONICA: (Immediately) I want to be here, too.
DUNCAN: So do I.
WALLACE: Me, too.
ED: (Shakes his head firmly) No, there is no need for everybody to be here. It'll just confuse things. I can tell that Logan isn't going to sleep tonight. Duncan, Wallace and I will take turns staying up with him.
VERONICA: (Indignantly) And we helpless girls should just cower in our beds or something?
WALLACE: (Soothingly) Veronica, this isn't a sexist thing. There is just no point in all of us being up all night.
Veronica snorts, not mollified at all.
ED: (Reasonably) It won't help the situation to have you down here, Veronica. It's important that you make things look as normal as possible.
DUNCAN: Chase, why don't you sleep with Veronica tonight? That way, Ed and I can take turns sleeping in our room.
ED: How about Veronica sleeps with Chase in your room instead?
LOGAN: (Sharply) Why does it matter?
ED: (Calmly) This guy would have to be an absolute moron to try to break in on the second floor but...
LOGAN: (Finishes grimly) But if he did try it, he'd want to go directly into our bedroom.
Ed nods wordlessly. Logan turns to Duncan.
LOGAN: Duncan, you sleep in our room tonight.
ED: I'll stay up with Logan first. Duncan, I'll wake you when I'm tired. Wallace can take the morning shift.
Duncan and Wallace nod in agreement with Ed's plan.
VERONICA: (Worriedly) Logan, you should also try to get some sleep, too.
WALLACE: Sleep? (Snorts) Look at him, Veronica. He's wound up so tight he's ready to explode. Nothing is going to calm him down enough to sleep except intense physical activity. He's just waiting to wail on this Arnie dude.
CHASE: (Calls back as she walks to the staircase) I get worked up like that sometime, too. When that happens to me, I find that sex really calms me down.
Veronica looks at Logan and blushes furiously. Logan grins as he watches her hurry up the stairs after Chase. Cut to early Wednesday morning, Logan, Veronica and Wallace are at the kitchen table, looking frustrated and dejected. Duncan walks in and pulls a bowl and cereal from the cupboard.
WALLACE: Last night was a bust.
DUNCAN: Yeah, it was quiet on my shift, too.
LOGAN: (Frustrated) I don't understand why he didn't show up. He knows where we live and he thinks his girlfriend is here. What kept him away?
VERONICA: Maybe he knows how many people live here? Even if Ed hadn't spent the night, there are still three guys and my taser living in this house.
WALLACE: Or maybe he doesn't believe his girlfriend is here. After all, Veronica lives here. You'd have to be pretty ballsy to bring your new girlfriend to your existing girlfriend's house.
LOGAN: (Shakes his head) Yeah, but even if he didn't think Darcy was here, he knows I am. He should have come after me.
WALLACE: (Snickers) Yeah, because nobody can resist the lure of Logan Echolls.
LOGAN: (Smirks) Well, your best friend thinks I'm pretty hot.
WALLACE: But she also thinks that Weevil is a nice guy. Sometimes her judgment is a little off.
Logan looks annoyed and his eyes narrow. Duncan frowns at Logan and Wallace as he sits down between them.
DUNCAN: Knock it off, both of you. We're all pissed and disappointed. We just need to come up with another plan, that's all.
VERONICA: (Hurriedly) And we will. We'll get this guy. But I have to get ready for work now. Logan, you look exhausted. Why don't you try to get a couple of hours of sleep?
LOGAN: (Sullenly) I'm not sleepy.
VERONICA: (Sighs) Well, come upstairs anyway.
Logan scowls but Veronica gives him a level look. Logan's expression relaxes and he follows Veronica out of the kitchen. Duncan and Wallace watch them leave.
WALLACE: (Conversationally) How much do you want to bet that Veronica is following Chase's advice and providing Logan with some (makes finger quotes) 'intense physical activity'?
DUNCAN: (Shakes his head) No bet, man. That'd be throwing my money away.
Both boys return to eating their breakfast. Cut to Veronica coming down the stairs later that morning. She is dressed for work and digging into her bag. She looks up when she sees Duncan and Wallace waiting for her at the foot of the stairs.
VERONICA: (Frowning) What's wrong?
DUNCAN: We had a little delivery this morning.
VERONICA: It's seven o'clock. Who delivers this early?
WALLACE: A guy riding a Harley and a wearing a helmet, that's who.
VERONICA: And what was the delivery?
Wallace and Duncan exchange glances. Duncan brings his hand out from behind his back and Veronica gasps in horror. Duncan is holding a mutilated Barbie doll. The doll's long blond hair has been ripped out, its hands and breasts burned and melted, and the plastic between its thighs has been cut open.
DUNCAN: We heard the bike come up and looked out the window. He threw the doll at the door without slowing down then took off.
WALLACE: (Soberly) I'm thinking Arnie is pretty upset with Darcy for taking up with Logan.
VERONICA: I better take that doll with me. Logan will freak out if he sees it.
DUNCAN: (Disbelieving) You're not going to tell him about it?
VERONICA: What would be the point? We already know that Arnie likes to abuse women. Seeing this would only wind Logan up more.
DUNCAN: Veronica, he's going to find out one way or another. And if he finds out you kept this from him... (He trails off)VERONICA: (Bites her lower lip) Fine, I'll tell him about it when I get home. Let him get a couple of hours of sleep and maybe he'll deal with it better.
WALLACE: (Sarcastically) Yeah, that'll make a difference, because Logan normally deals so well with things when he's well rested.
Veronica sighs as she puts the doll in her bag.
VERONICA: I'll show it to Ed when I get to work. Maybe he'll have some ideas on how we can find Arnie. Wallace, what time do you work today?
WALLACE: I start at four. Logan already said he'd drop me off and pick you up. I'll bring your car home when I get off at ten tonight.
Veronica nods. Duncan and Wallace follow her into the garage and watch her pull her car out and drive off. Cut to later that afternoon. Veronica is standing at the Montecito front drive and watching as employees put up a large poster advertising the Pussycat Dolls.
MARY: (Coming up to Veronica) Thinking of changing your mind and dancing with the Dolls again?
VERONICA: Hi, Mary. No, I'm just waiting for my ride.
MARY: If you change your mind, I've been told that you have an open invitation.
VERONICA: (Snickers) I also have about a dozen indecent proposals, thanks to dancing with the Dolls.
MARY: (Grins) This is Vegas, baby. Indecent proposals are like hard luck stories, everybody's got one.
The two share a quick laugh before Mary walks away. Veronica turns back to watch the workers when someone grabs her arm and whips her around. Veronica gasps when she sees it is Arnie and tries to pull her arm free. He tightens his grip and grins when she winces with pain. Arnie holds her tightly and drags her behind a pillar.
VERONICA: (Struggling) Let me go.
ARNIE: I want to talk to you.
VERONICA: I have nothing to say to you. Now let me go.
ARNIE: (Shakes her) You dumb bitch. Do you even know that your boyfriend is screwing around with my girlfriend?
VERONICA: What I know is that you're a bully who likes to hurt women. And that you're a moron. (Nods to the security camera) You do know that security is recording this, don't you?
ARNIE: (Sneering) Who the hell cares? Where is she?
ARNIE: Darcy, that's who. She's shacked up with your boyfriend now. Where the hell are they?
VERONICA: (Confused) Same place we were when you wrote those obscenities all over Logan's car.
ARNIE: (Angrily) What the hell are you talking about, bitch?
VERONICA: (Glares) Don't bother lying to me. I know you came over to our place on Friday night and vandalized my boyfriend's car.
ARNIE: (Snorts) You dumb bitch. Do you think I'd mess up that little runt's car when I could just mess up his pretty-boy face? You tell me where he his and I'll take care of him. He's cheating on you, too.
Ed suddenly appears between them and grips Arnie's neck tightly, causing Arnie to gasp for air.
ED: (Through gritted teeth) I highly recommend you let the lady go before I have to crush your windpipe.
Arnie releases Veronica and she steps away quickly as hotel security guards grab him. Ed releases his hold on him as the guards get Arnie under control.
ED: (With satisfaction) I've been looking forward to meeting you.
ARNIE: (Struggling with the security guards) Lemme go. I didn't do anything.
ED: (Nods to Veronica) You were manhandling one of my employees. That's a big thing to me.
There is a loud squeal of brakes being applied too fast. They turn to see Logan's SUV stopped at the curb and Logan and Wallace running towards them. Logan reaches Veronica first.
LOGAN: (Worriedly) What happened?
VERONICA: (Absently rubs her sore arm) Nothing, I'm fine.
WALLACE: (Looking at Arnie) Is that him? Why did he show up here?
LOGAN: (Running his hands soothingly along Veronica's arms) Are you sure you're okay?
Veronica can't hide the wince when Logan strokes over the bruising. Logan's face flushes with fury as he lunges for Arnie. Ed restrains Logan as he tries to swing a punch at Arnie.
ED: Easy, Logan. This isn't the way to handle this.
LOGAN: (Struggling with Ed) Maybe not, but it'll make me feel a whole lot better.
VERONICA: Logan, you have to calm down. We're calling the police. I don't want them to arrest you too.
ED: She's right, Logan. Trust me, the law will take care of him.
LOGAN: (Still struggling) I just want one minute, that's all. Just long enough to show him how it feels to be the one getting the pain instead of giving it.
Ed looks at Logan then looks at Veronica. Wallace has his arm around her and is gently rubbing her bruised arm. Ed's grip on Logan slips and Logan breaks free. Logan lands a hard blow to Arnie's chin then a second to his temple before Ed restrains him again. Veronica stares at them open-mouthed.
ED: (Shrugs) What? My hand slipped.
He looks at Logan who is opening and closing his fist to work the kinks out of his hand. The two share a man-to-man look and Veronica shakes her head. Cut to late that evening. Veronica, Logan, Duncan and Chase are sitting at their table eating dinner.
CHASE: (Relieved) I am so glad today is over. My nerves are shot from all the tension from last night, everybody being so cranky today and spending the evening giving statements at the police station. And you guys do this all the time?
DUNCAN: Well, Veronica does it all the time. Logan only has to do it when he gets into fights. Which, I guess is all the time. Me, not so much.
VERONICA: (Scowls) You make it sound like I enjoy it or something.
CHASE: Well, I didn't enjoy it. And I'm still confused about some stuff.
DUNCAN: Like what?
CHASE: Arnie said he didn't know where we lived. But we know he vandalized Logan's car. Why did he deny it?
VERONICA: That was actually smart of him. Logan was able to wash off the polish so no permanent damage was done. The cops can't charge him for that since there's technically no evidence.
CHASE: So why are the cops holding him?
VERONICA: He has a bunch of outstanding warrants for forgery, check fraud and domestic battery, plus Darcy hit him with another one - pardon the pun.
CHASE: And what are these pictures Logan keeps getting so worked up about?
VERONICA: (Uneasily) Arnie sent me some pictures that were kind of disturbing.
DUNCAN: Disturbing? You mean like the doll?
Logan stops eating, looks at Duncan then turns to Veronica.
LOGAN: (Suspiciously) What doll?
VERONICA: (Doesn't meet his gaze) Arnie dropped off a doll this morning.
LOGAN: (Eyes narrowed) Why do I get the feeling that there's something you're not telling me?
VERONICA: (Defensively) I was going to tell you about it, but in all the excitement... (Her voice trails off)
LOGAN: (Dangerously) Tell me about it now.
DUNCAN: (Helpfully) He took one of those Barbie dolls and mutilated all the girl parts. (Shakes his head) That guy is one sick shit. I hope they lock him up for a long time.
VERONICA: (Hurriedly) They will. He has those five battery charges. That should hold him for a while.
She smiles hopefully at Logan but he is still visibly angry. Duncan and Chase quickly finish their meal and leave the kitchen. Veronica studies Logan with worried eyes.
VERONICA: Are you mad at me?
LOGAN: (Glaring) No, I'm not mad at you but I'm pissed that you're keeping things from me.
VERONICA: (Indignantly) I am not keeping things from you. In fact, I've included you in everything. I told you about the pictures as soon as I found out about them.
LOGAN: But you didn't tell me about the doll.
VERONICA: (Exasperated) I was going to tell you when you drove me home today. The doll came this morning while you were sleeping. I can't believe you're accusing me of lying to you.
LOGAN: (Scowls) I'm not accusing you of lying. I just want to keep you safe.
VERONICA: I've managed to keep myself safe for the past seventeen years without you and sometimes despite you.
Logan shuts his eyes and reigns in his temper. He reaches for her hands and speaks in a gentler voice.
LOGAN: Veronica, don't you understand how much you mean to me? (Raggedly) The thought of anything happening to you makes me crazy. When I hear about things like mutilated dolls it freaks me out. I'll do anything to keep you safe.
VERONICA: (Soothingly) The doll wasn't for me. Arnie thought Darcy was here and he wanted to scare her. I turned the doll over to the police when they took Arnie into custody.
Veronica slips out of her seat and settles into Logan's lap. His slides his arms around her and snuggles her close. She presses her forehead to his.
VERONICA: I know this thing between us is intense. It's as scary for me as it is for you.
LOGAN: (Kisses her gently) But we're going to do this, aren't we? We're going to make this work.
VERONICA: (Nuzzles his cheek) We are doing this, Logan. We're together and we're out in the open with our relationship. We have a nice place to live, good friends and good times. I think we're doing pretty well.
Logan relaxes and kisses her deeply. They break apart a few minutes later, breathless. Logan presses his forehead to hers.
LOGAN: (Huskily) Why don't we finish this discussion upstairs?
VERONICA: (Smiling) So you feel like talking some more, huh?
Logan grins back at her. She slides out of his lap and takes his hand.
LOGAN: (Loftily) I suggested we talk because I respect your mind. However, if you only want me for my body, I'll just have to learn to accept that.
VERONICA: (Leading him up the stairs) Your spirit of self-sacrifice is so noble.
LOGAN: I'm a firm believer in nobility of sacrifice. It's good for the soul.
VERONICA: Really? So tell me, 'O Wise One', what's good for the body?
LOGAN: (Smirking) A certain annoying little blond.
They stop in front of their bedroom door and Veronica raises her eyebrow.
VERONICA: (Pouts) Annoying?
LOGAN: (Nibbles on her lower lip) Yeah, annoying, irritating, bossy.
VERONICA: (Grinning) She really got under your skin, huh?
LOGAN: (Shifting to nibble along her jaw) I think it's worse than that. I think she's in my blood now.
VERONICA: (Shifts closer) Sounds dangerous.
LOGAN: (Reaching behind her to open the door) Mmm, maybe fatal.
Logan threads his hand into her hair and grins down at her. Something on the bed catches his eye and he looks up. His grin dies as his mouth falls open in shock.
LOGAN: What the hell?
VERONICA: (Turning to look) What?
Her Pussycat Dolls costume is laid out on the bed. It has been torn into shreds and it is covered with a suspicious sticky film. Several used condoms are interspersed with the shredded costume. Veronica gasps in horror.
Wild Things - Part III