Because I loved these hairs so much, I just had to Simgaroop and share them as soon as possible:-) It´s almost 01:00 were I live, but me, the crazy young lady, couldn´t wait :P
All hairs comes in all of Simgaroop´s colors as usual. Hairs are binned and familified, with grey linked to black. All meshes are included. Please let me know if there are any problems.
Trapping´s AFHair Short Afro 3t2
All ages, both genders
This lovely hair was shared by Trapping earlier this day, and I fell in love. <3 This is only a recolor, so textures is by Trapping.
Download for malesDownload for females NewSea Adonis all ages by Martini
One of my personal new favorites. This hair was made to all ages by Martini at MybSims. Textures is a blend of Neena Needles and the Pooklet´d one
I Kill Butterflies shared at MybSims.
Download Credits: Trapping, Martini, Simgaroop, Pooklet, Neena Needles.
Edit: Fixed link for the female version of Trapping´s hair. I saw it led to another hair. Sorry for the inconvenience!