Just saw Wednes online and thought I'd share with ya'll the story I shared with her. It's a potentially embarrassing moment that I (fortunately) averted. Boy, I'm glad I'm smarter than I thought I was! Or am I?
So... a friend of mine e-mailed me this super long sex survey. It's too long to do thru e-mail and so that I'd do the survey when I had time (part by part) and e-mail it to her later I put it into Microsoft word. I called it "yeah" or something stupid. So then, I write this "personal ethics" paper for school. I call it something similar like "yah". I'm supossed to e-mail it to the prof. So, I go to e-mail it to her and attach "yeah". I'm about to click send when a little voice in me says "Um... better check that before you send it". So I listen and the e-mail goes something like this "Hi Cris, here's my personal code of ethics:
1)are you male, female or hermaphrodite?
2)are you gay, straight, bi or transgender?
3)have you ever given someone a bj
a)on the phone
c)in public
and so one and so fourth.
I fixed it but MAN! I'm glad I checked. Now THAT would of been funny.