This has to be the most contradictory statement I've ever seen. However, somehow, it makes since. What do you think?
Others, beware... you checked that the letter "k" in the words "monkey" or "make", were larger than the other letters in the words. This is known as the "go to hell K".
It signifies defiance and resistance to authority. You resent being told what to do and were probably a very rebellious teenager.
Entrepreneurs, class clowns, and criminals often have excessive defiance... channel your rebellion carefully!
Regarding letter size... you clicked "Very large". This implies that you have a driving need for social interaction. I would guess you're right at home at a party... as a matter of fact... let's face it, you're the LIFE of the party. People with very large handwriting are also able to juggle several things at the same time, but often get bored if they have to focus on one task too long.
Concerning the letter slant of your sample (slant reveals emotional outlay)... you chose "Vertical". You use logical sound judgments to make decisions. You\re ruled by your head, not your heart. You tend to be cool, calm and collected and are good under pressure. In a situation where other people might get hysterical, you have poise.
Some may see you as "detached" or "unemotional". It's not that you don't feel emotions, you just have more discernment when and with whom you express your inner most feelings. You keep them inside longer than most people do. (If your writing is very large you can be very social, friendly and talkative, but still emotionally logical.)
The first time someone makes you mad, you probably won't say anything. But, you'll mentally put a mark on the wall and keep your mouth shut until they piss you off again and again. Then, BOOM! You'll explode, all that pent-up anger comes pouring out! And, you won't feel any regret at all, because you know they deserved it.
It may sound harsh, but you're ruled by self-interest. In emotional situations you ask yourself, "What's best for me?" And, unlike others, you actually have the discipline to follow your logic rather than your emotional whims.
In a relationship, you tend to show your affection by the things you DO rather than the things you SAY. The only exception is if your mate has expressed a need to hear "I love you" on a daily basis, then you'll gladly express this out of respect for your partner's needs.
Looking at the letter "i", you chose "i-dot is 2-3 letters from the stem or there is no dot at all". This signifies a lack of attention to details. You're off to the next project without taking the time to finish the one you're working on. Better slow down... you may miss something really important.
Oh boy... the letter "o"... this is a very insightful letter. When you picked "Exit loops on the right side", that told me you can be VERY secretive. As a matter of fact, the larger your inner loop, the more you tend to avoid giving complete and straight answers. You won't lie, but you won't just spout off information freely either. Your best defense is to answer questions with questions... "Would I say that?"
When I asked about the shape of the tops of the humps in the letters "m" and "n", you chose "Rounded on top". This let's me know that you're a "Cumulative Thinker"... you take the time to gather all the facts before you make decisions. I'll bet you read EVERY word of the instruction manual before you start a project. It's nice to get all the facts before you make a decision and then proceed in a systematic fashion. The only downside to having very rounded humps is that you often think of what you should have said during an argument and bring it up 30 minutes later. You may be smart, but some people think on their feet a bit faster.
This is an important trait! When I asked you how high the t-bar is crossed on the stem of the letter "t", you chose "Midway up the stem". This tells me that you set goals that are realistic, practical, and obtainable and that your self-esteem is good, but not super high. I would suspect you still have an aversion to taking too much of a risk and you'll hedge on the side of security.
The good news is your confidence is strong enough to leave a really bad situation and take those first key steps toward living your dreams. People that cross their "t's" in the upper middle are pragmatic and secure with themselves. But, there are still more dreams to achieve... so stretch yourself even more!
Concerning your y's and g's, you chose "Medium loop". This tells me that you have healthy physical drives... yes, that means both sexually... and in your ambition. So, you aren't a prude but you're not a slut either... you just "like" it.
When I asked you if the first letter of your signature was smaller than or equal in size to the other letters, you indicated that it was. This shows that you have a tendency to be modest and humble. You prefer to blend into the crowd... rather than stand out. This isn't necessarily a bad trait. However, ego is an important component to self-image. So, don't take a back seat in all situations.
There are times when you must take a stand and demand to be heard. People with larger capital letters in their signature tend to demand more attention and have a stronger sense of self-importance. Don't be afraid to make your signature larger!
If the personal pronoun "I" is larger than the other letters or words, you have a healthy ego. The bigger the personal pronoun "I"... the stronger the sense of self-really is. So, a larger capital "I" indicates you think quite highly of yourself.