1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. The greatest Christmas present ever: The Voyage of the Beagle '...colder climate, the greater part would be absorbed or
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Hello, friend. It's been entirely too long, hasn't it? I think of you often, and know that you're in my most heart-felt prayers. I would say I worry for you, but I can't say I do because in my heart I know you'll be fine, no matter what. We are talking about you afterall
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I figured I ought to update with art, seeing as how this journal has become a download-archive of sorts. ;D Been really busy as well, in the social-life sense. Kinda scary, really. I have two friends I see on a frequent basis -- two -- and these bloody fiends have kept me on my toes every day this last week and a half. *sighs* But I love them
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