This small piece was fired off to whomever it may concern on the three mentioned companies in a plea to open their doors to the web.
More and more, due to the efficiency of the internet as a content delivery medium, people are abandoning contemporary cable providers for streaming video on the web from the content producers directly. Websites like Hulu aggregate and distribute these in a very user-friendly fashion. Revenue is generated through advertising. Paid "premium" services like Showtime, Cinemax and HBO are, at the moment, still stuck with cable providers bundled into packages due to your business model.
I feel that premium content providers, such as yourself, should offer web-based streaming of your programming for those who do not wish to pay exorbitant cable television package prices. Think about this: premium pay-for content from your website. Offer a monthly fee or per-series or per-episode rates! You will only increase your revenue while tapping this new market of people jumping the cable ship. I, for one, would be a dedicated subscriber to your services,being a fan of your programming.
Please consider this new market as it is a viable and fertile one. Thank you for your time.