this is the introductory post.

Jun 01, 2007 18:23

and... ouch. LJ is acting up. trying again!

A few years too late, but who's counting?

This is me, this is who I am.

I am a fangirl with delusions of adulthood. Occasional spates of artisticness, text or music or graphics. Not all of it gets finished, much less posted, but I'm always doing something. Unless I'm doing nothing.

I'm getting older day by day. Creaky, blind, deaf--all sneaking up on me, with varying degrees of speed.

Slightly crazy--anxiety would rule my life if I let it, and some days I can't help but let it. I find it hard to be satisfied with what I have in any particular moment, and then find myself frozen.

I spent ten years of my adult life as a redhead, and twelve in an emotionally destructive relationship. I'm out of both now, although I sometimes regret the loss of the red.

Woman, musician, artist. Liberal, Roman Catholic, intelligent, pretty, messed up, shy. Bisexual, polyamorous, switch. Maybe it's mythical, but I can't settle for narrow definitions for myself or anyone else. (Yes, I like sex. Yes, I like porn. Yes, I like kink. Yes, I identify myself as a woman, through and through. Yes, I need meds.) I don't judge or exclude anyone from discussions or friendships unless they try to control my thoughts and life.

I'm really not too introspective. In my life, things exist as they are. There may be a reason, but I'm generally to lazy to figure out why.

Wait. Take that back a bit. I like multiple choice quizzes & astrology--the lazy laymans' guides to introspection.

INFP (leaning towards T), Taurus (Cancer ascendant, Capricorn moon), Dog (metal)

My thoughts on yaoi (or yuri, or whatever) basically boil down to, yes, please. I'm not constrained, though. I function from the basic standpoint that everybody's bi until proven otherwise, and sometimes not even then. I have OTPs and OT3s in several fandoms, but everything's character driven. Convince me, and you have a reader. Turn me on (mentally or physically--I'm easy *g*), and you'll have a fan for life.

I love fandom. I love the people I've met through fandom. I'm holding on with tooth and nail--I'm not ready to give any of this up. Not even LJ, not yet--I love the fandom cross pollination here, the centrality of knowing who and where to look. I have a comfort zone here, and I'm too stubborn to let it go. (I'm not stupid, though. There's a reason this journal's locked down now and forever.)


What you'll find here:

Whinging. Cats. Dogs. Occasional rants. Random fic. Infrequent art. Slash (boys and girls). Het. Porn. Kink. Character studies. White Liberal Guilt. White Liberal Power. Teh Gay. Teh Angst. Girl bits. Love of music. Love of Macs. Love of people. Adrian Pasdar, why are you so hot? Layout changes. Memes. Infrequent intelligent commentary. Squee. Giggles.

Time to take a poll, don't you think?

Poll fandoms, fandoms everywhere, nor any rum to drink

administrative crap, intro

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