well, made it to Des Moines today. i'm at 580+ mi. on the day... and freakin beat. I'll check in again when i get to nebraska. was tempted to check email at i-80 rest stop, they all have free wireless, man NYS is behind the times.
haven't posted in quite a while, been ridiculously busy!
trip to the adirondacks was an absolute blast! did 9 peaks in 9 days, finished off with mt. marcy where i found a 2-year-old golden retriever to play with :)
house is officially 'on the market' MLS listingall my stuff is packed and i leave first thing in the morning on saturday
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So Tuesday is to be Brew's last day with me. I am making the arrangements tomorrow. I intend to absolutely spoil him with treats and meats! I'll walk up to highland park Tues AM and sit with him at my favorite spot and say my goodbyes. I plan on going to work after leaving the vet. I know i'll be a mess, but i figure i should be around people
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