So, I cleared FF13-2.
...yeah, it has one of the worst endings, if not THE worst, I have ever seen for an RPG.
To sum up: Lightning's dead, Serah dies, Etro dies, and the gates of Valhalla open and a big darkness/chaos begins to envelop the world, and then the screen says TO BE CONTINUED...
WTF?! I've seen sad and bad endings in RPGs before, but most have never made me REGRET PLAYING THE GAME. Now granted, I know there's 8 "Paradox Endings" (basically alternate endings), but they strike me as Chrono Trigger-ish in that they're bonus endings that you get for doing things like, beating bosses that you normally aren't powerful enough to beat on a first playthrough.
I also know there's a "Secret Ending" which plays after the credits. It's a PITA to unlock though, you have to get all 160 Fragments, which means doing every single side quest and lame minigame in the game, oh and by the way one of the Fragments you get is from completing the Monster Collection... ugh.
And anyway, given Toriyama's/Squenix's previous history, I'm betting that the Secret Ending is just going to be some stupid mystery ambiguous ending that's supposed to set up for a sequel that may or may not ever come, just like Parasite Eve Third Birthday's or the various KH ones. Squenix registered a "FF13-3" domain awhile back, and most people said it was just to stop domain squatting, but ugh.
Not to mention there's a lot of plot holes and/or really illogical things about the plot, but that's kind of par for the course for Toriyama games. I really miss the straightforward endings that the SNES-era FFs had. Or hell, even FF12. FF12 had a much better plot (not entirely without plot holes, but at least friggin' straightforward) and a nice wrap-up ending and not these cocktease BUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT endings. And then they made a spinoff/sequel game on the DS anyway, but the point is, you could skip it and not feel like you were missing anything.
In a separate post I'll review the actual gameplay and so on, this one's already getting long.
EDIT: Apparently Kitase said there would be additional scenarios via DLC. That's just obnoxious, and if it's PAID DLC... If one of those scenarios is the "real ending", I'll be extremely pissed. Man, I remember we used to joke about how eventually you'd play a game and have to pay extra to download the ending. I didn't think it'd actually come to pass.