Present; Henry/Amber
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I (Blessed)
Dearest prestigious president sunbaenimsungsaengnim,
I, Henry Lau, am writing this with much respect and honor for all the many blessings you have blessed me with. I am grateful towards the blessings and I feel like a blessed man. Very blessed.
After careful consideration, I have decided to confess upon my feelings for a fellow, respected dongsaeng of mine, Amber Liu. I have had feelings for her for quite a while and have recently worked up the courage to ask for her hand in dating. She has reciprocated those of mutual feelings and I would like to ask for your blessings. We don't want to take the route of some of our colleagues rather tumultuous relationships and would rather be upfront about our relationship, with your blessings, of course. We would like you to know we respect your decision ahead of time whatever it is, but we have a romantic interest in each other and I'm ready to accept the consequences if this is not allowed. I really enjoy my job so I hope you won't fire me, but please whatever you do don't punish Ms. Liu for my actions. She is not to blame, she just wants your blessings. And don't kick us out of the country, we really like it here, sir. Please.
I also want your blessings. Please bless me.
Respectfully yours,
You can date whoever you want inside the company, we don't care. Just keep the details inside the company. Don't get caught. Teach her some Korean.
If your Korean is still poor, ask Siwon to translate.
"Bless you."
Past; Jessica (Jonghyun/Jessica)
Dear 10 year old me,
I'm writing to you from the future. Your Kibum oppa (whom you will meet very soon, wipe that confused look off your face) decided to build this time machine when he "took a break" from Super Junior. (That's a band from that SM company you just got into and again, you'll know what I am talking about in the future, you're not that crazy I promise.) Anyway, Kibum oppa always half-assed everything so putting living life forms through the time machine didn't exactly work, (R.I.P. Snuggles the puppy), but sending items that are ten pounds or less totally works, hence this letter.
I would've written it to you in Korean, and I really should've because even eleven years into the future you STILL will be getting hassled at your lack of proficiency and I think that since you are 10 you really should at least start trying to integrate the language into your brain...but also, I know you better than anyone else (because I'm you! get it? from the future?) and I knew you wouldn't even attempt to read this letter if it was written in Korean...actually you probably have already given up reading this already. God, you lazy-ass.
Well if you are reading this, work harder on your singing, your Korean, and stop pushing Krystal off the swing because she is going to NEVER LET THAT GO. EVER. And it will cause you future migraines.
I'm writing you this letter to give you a simple warning about the future. And no, it's not robocops or floating houses, the future is dimmer than you think - it's about how much your life is going to change when you start training. I could give you the semantics but it's not like you'd read them so my point is: stay away from a boy named Kim Jonghyun.
He's going to change your life and break your heart. Seriously, just stay away from him, no good can come from being his friend. Sure, you'll meet him when he's 15, and you'll think his cockiness is sort of charming and his unruly eyebrows give him character, and yes it's a little cool that this new trainee didn't even want to be a singer, he just wanted to play his guitar all day while you wanted to be the next Britney Spears - speaking of she's a train-wreck in the future, (you should place bets now and make money.) But he's no good!!! He's deceptive and he'll tell you anything you want to hear before pretending that he never did.
I'm only warning you because your language barrier makes you aloof in the future and prohibits you to actually be able to distinct who is genuine and who is just biding their time - Kim Jonghyun falls into the latter category. (I'm not allowed to give specifics because Kibum oppa says the time machine will eat anything that messes with the future, blah no one cares about Kibum oppa anyway,) But um this Jonghyun kid, stay away from him.
He's charming; he'll watch your debut with dedication and tell you that he only watched you and none of the other girls, he'll start to call you every night to sing you a lullaby to sleep, he'll give you imposing hugs in front of your manager just to prove a point, he'll kiss your tears away when you feel overworked and stressed, he'll be the one to wrap you in a soft blanket and cover you properly after you lose your virginity to him, he'll also be the one to give you a muscle spasm so bad from going at it a little too rough that you miss your schedule for two days -oh- I probably shouldn't tell you that since you are only 10 right? Whatever, you are already corrupted, btw your pervy habits are going to get you into some trouble with mom and dad when you are 12, heads up.
Point is, that short bastard is your future - and you will be so head over heels in love with him even though you will deny it to anyone who asks, you will deny it to him, and you will always deny it to yourself - but you know. You know you are those times he squeezes your hands, those times he maps out the future for you when you guys will run away together and leave everything behind. The only problem is, it's never going to happen.
He's going to leave you, he's going to realize that your stupid habit of playing hard to get is a little too hard to get, he's going to stop thinking that your fear of saying the words 'I Love You' is cute, he's going to stop calling you to sing you nighttime lullabies when you constantly tell him to shut the fuck up because you want to sleep, he's going to want to stop sneaking around and be in a pretend relationship because you don't have the balls to tell the people nearest you that you are in a dire infatuation with some slightly younger lovesick puppy. He's going to leave you alone once and for all when you pretend you are still seeing other people, when the truth is you don't see, talk to, or think about anyone but him, (but you never tell him that because that's what playing-hard-to-get entails), and he's going to get sick and fed up with your difficult bullshit so much, that he's going to chase the girl of his dreams instead because that's easy.
And you're not easy. We never were, were we? Picky eater, apathy towards learning, lazy towards social adaptation - it's going to screw you up all in the future. All because of that one bastard, so just listen to me. If you're going to have to listen to someone, listen to yourself and do us a favor - stay away from him. I mean it! He's going to leave you so emotionally attached that all your other attempted relationships will never compare. But despite it all, you will always be in love with him no matter how hard you try not to be, so it's better to not love him to begin with. Trust me.
Oh, and drink more milk! You are going to be so embarrassed when you hit 15 and your younger sister of five years has got a good head on you in the height department. Start elongating those legs, for me. Please.
Love, me.
Future; Siwon/Kyuhyun
When you get better, we're going to go on that road trip.
When you're out of the hospital, we're going to hit the road, just you and me. We're going to head towards the sea, with our windows all the way down so we can feel the fresh breeze across our faces. We're going to stop by the greenest lawn we'll ever see with a variety of flowers blooming from the new spring weather. We're going to sit amongst nature and read a couple of our favorite passages underneath the sunlight. We'll steal some of the flowers on our way back to the car, so that we can enjoy the aroma forever.
We'll stop by an electronic store on the side of the highway and pick you up some new video game to make up for the passages I forced you to read, but you'll tell me it was okay, and then we'll hum a couple of songs before breaking into a harmonizing chorus for the rest of the journey. We're singers, you and I.
We're going to finally hit the seaside right before sunset and you're going to be strong enough to walk. We're going to buy fresh fish (your favorite), from the local market, and ask an ahjhumma to grill it for us right on the spot. We're going to walk around while we wait and buy all the tasty snacks our manager prohibits us to eat, and we're going to get them at a discount because no one can resist your cheekiness and my charm, right?
We'll finally get our fish from the ajhumma who tells us we're good looking and we're going to sit in the sand, where the waves crash and turn the sand into mush. And we're going to laugh, not whine, about how our butts are so wet while we eat our fish. We're going to share our stories of hardships, but only for a little bit before we share our stories of friendships, goodships, lightships, ships passing by and we're going to appreciate each other and how we got there. We're going to sit until it's too cold to sit any longer, and you're going to huddle with me for warmth and pout until I finally say let's get back into the car, because you know I can never say no to you.
We're going to go back into the car and philosophize about the complicated things we love to discuss but can never discuss when other people are around because they just don't get it like how we get it. We're going to chat until our throats go dry and the city lights stop flickering and you're going to beg me to drive us to the nearest hotel because it's too late to drive back to our city. I'm going to tell you yes because you are my weakness and you know that. We're going to make our way to the hotel, just you and me, my brother, my soulmate, my Kyuhyun.
I'm going to tell you I love you when your head starts to nod off and you're going to wake up and make a disgusted face and whine and tell me you don't love me back and that I should get over it even though we both know you love me. We're going to have a fight about whether or not you should kiss my cheek by the next red light and you are going to tell me fat chance and that's the end of it.
We're going to walk to our hotel room, barely able to open our eyes from all the fun we've had and we're going to brush our teeth together while humming a little tune we made up earlier in the car. You're going to surprise me and kiss my cheek and tell me you love me right before I go to bed, but you're going to tell me it doesn't mean anything. We're going to smile and sleep and we're going to wake up the next morning and have even more fun for days on end.
Please wake up, Kyuhyun. Please wake up so we can have our days.