There are 8766 (rounded) hours in a year. What gets me are these people who get some false sense of self righteousness because they shut their shit down for 1 hour. What are they doing to help the earth the other 8765 hours?
It's silly self-rightious bullshit. when they come up with a way to actually do something legitimate, gimme a call.
Also, people generally don't understand that the planet goes through cyclical warming and cooling trends. It's all in the geologic record for people to look at if you dont believe the earth is only 6000 years old :D. I believe the earth is entering a warming trend. That doesnt mean i dont think we should do something about all the shit were pumping into the air and oceans. But please stop using "global warming" as a crutch. Make changes for the betterment of the health and welfare of humanity.
Oh, and its worse than my initial post. We'll be at a wedding Saturday night soaking up the lights and sounds there in! We better watcht hat spike in the power grid ;)
absolutely it's not so bad to want to do SOMETHING.
My contention is that the something, in this case earth hour, pretty much accomplishes nothing. If everyone diverted their recycleables, if everyone worked towards workable alternative energy sources, if everyone worked together... thats the problem. "Everyone". China is not everyone and they are running in ignorant bliss of the environmental disaster they are creating in their country. The US is driven by economics. Canada is driven by the governments desire to oversee every minutae in peoples lives and tax us to death.
Shutting off the lights for an hour proves nothing. replacing Gasoline with an equal power to burn ratio clean fuel... now that would be a positive change.
Big business doesnt give a shit about people shutting off the lights for an hour. They are more interested in how they can turn that into a cash grab.
I can get behind wanting to do something. I definitely can't get behind shutting off your lights for an hour and then feeling like you did something. That's a bit romantic.
Comments 7
It's silly self-rightious bullshit. when they come up with a way to actually do something legitimate, gimme a call.
Also, people generally don't understand that the planet goes through cyclical warming and cooling trends. It's all in the geologic record for people to look at if you dont believe the earth is only 6000 years old :D. I believe the earth is entering a warming trend. That doesnt mean i dont think we should do something about all the shit were pumping into the air and oceans. But please stop using "global warming" as a crutch. Make changes for the betterment of the health and welfare of humanity.
Oh, and its worse than my initial post. We'll be at a wedding Saturday night soaking up the lights and sounds there in! We better watcht hat spike in the power grid ;)
My contention is that the something, in this case earth hour, pretty much accomplishes nothing. If everyone diverted their recycleables, if everyone worked towards workable alternative energy sources, if everyone worked together... thats the problem. "Everyone". China is not everyone and they are running in ignorant bliss of the environmental disaster they are creating in their country. The US is driven by economics. Canada is driven by the governments desire to oversee every minutae in peoples lives and tax us to death.
Shutting off the lights for an hour proves nothing. replacing Gasoline with an equal power to burn ratio clean fuel... now that would be a positive change.
Big business doesnt give a shit about people shutting off the lights for an hour. They are more interested in how they can turn that into a cash grab.
but as you said, it does no harm.
I can get behind wanting to do something. I definitely can't get behind shutting off your lights for an hour and then feeling like you did something. That's a bit romantic.
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