(no subject)

Mar 31, 2010 20:37

Other people are doing it, and I want to fit in, hahahaa. or I am bored, you pick.

How long have you been a Military Wife?
August will be 2 years.

How many deployments have you gone through?
Our first one starts this month.

What do you like about being a Military Wife?
um, honestly? Discounts, and knowing my husband has a steady job.

Do you live on base?

What is your favorite base so far?
We have only been to Ft. Campbell and I rarely visit post so I don't have an opinion.

What's the hardest part of the military life?
The separations.

Do you go to the grocery store or commissary?
Grocery Store.

Do you prefer Dress Blues or Dress Whites?
Well in the Army we have Dress Blues and Dress Greens. I have only ever seen Jason in the green, so I will go with that.

Do you have a lot of Military Wife friends?
In real life I have a total of two, one that lives down the street off post, and one that just moved to MD.

Do you prefer wal-mart or the BX/PX?
I prefer the Dollar Tree, hahaha!

Did you marry him after he joined or before?
We started dating while he was in the Navy and he joined the Army after we married.

Any kids yet?

Kids yet to come?

Is your husband one of those "I am Marine hear me "OORAH"?
Not really.

How many bases have you lived at?

If you could change one thing about the military what would it be?
The utter mess it can be sometimes to get anything done.

Do you like military balls?
Never been to one.

Where does your family live?

Do you have a job?
Stay at home mom!

Name something you do when your husband is gone?
My husband. I MEAN I DON'T DO MY HUSBAND, I MISS HIM THOUGH. or whatever. ha!

Do you think other wives do that too?
I hope they miss their own husbands and not mine. haha, I like this answer.

Where did you and your military man meet?
Met him while visiting the Navy base near my parents house.

How old were you when you two met?
23 and 24?

How did you feel about him being in/joining the military?
I was so relieved when he went back into the service, I knew it was the only way he would get off his lazy butt and go to work. Plus I grew up in a military family so it wasn't hard to convince me.

Did you have to wait for him while he went to Boot camp?
I did.

Did you attend his boot camp graduation?
No. It was in New Mexico and being prior service he didn't feel it was all that special.

Where did you get married?
San Antonio, Texas.

How old were you two when you got married?
23 (7 days before I turned 24)

Did he wear his uniform on your wedding day?

Was he home the full first year of your marriage?
Yes, he reenlisted the week before our first anniversary.

How long were you married when you had to go through your separation?
1 year exactly.

How old are you two now?
25 and 26

How long have you been married to one another?
3 years in August.

What branch is he in?

What does he do in the military?

Do you send care packages?
I certainly plan too.

Do you go to the commissary on payday?
I have been to the commissary twice in the year we have lived here.

Do you own any Military wife stuff?
Not a single thing. (though I have some weird hangup about going back home and living in my parents house and feel like I should get one of those magnet things that say something about him being in Afghanistan. I think it is because so many people in my home town just hang out and have done nothing with their life, and I try really hard not to be like that.)

Do you know your husband's branch hymn?

What's some advice for a new wife going through their first deployment?
I will let you know in a year.

Aren't you glad you married your hero?
Wouldn't trade it for the world!
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