Title: Filling In
Pairing: Leeteuk/Siwon
Prompt: Keys
Challenge 018/100
Completed 003/100
Rated PG
Leeteuk was the trusted leader of Super Junior. He kept his head above all the hectic schedules of all 13 of his members, making sure that one individual wasn't over working himself. Sadly, he didn't think the same courtesy applied to him. That's why that spot was usually taken by Kangin. He kept Leeteuk from staying up all night arranging schedules, from not eating so that he would have more time to do paperwork, and from withering away at his desk because he just didn't want to overwork his beloved members.
However, ever since Kangin had taken to doing so many activities outside of Super Junior, things hadn't been going as smoothly in the dorm. Leeteuk had dropped a scary amount of weight in a mere few weeks. It seemed that the medical mask was constantly in place whenever he had to leave to do his radio show or any other variety show they might have put him on. It seemed to get harder and harder to get up and smile in the mornings, harder to stay awake through SM meetings, harder just to walk to the bathroom.
That's when Siwon decided that he had seen enough. He couldn't go through another week having to call tailors because Teukie's clothes were too loose (again) or having the leader lie about eating because he had to file the month's expenses. Never had they as a group noticed really how much they relied on Kangin to take care of their leader, or how much the leader was entrusted to do as they watched him leave all of life's luxuries so that they would be more comfortable.
Every day Siwon would gently remind the leader to go to sleep, he would handle adding the expenses. He would bring him a cup of tea and some of the biscuits Sungmin had made. He would drop off and pick up bowls, plates, chopsticks, and cups to ensure that Leeteuk was finally eating, even if he had to do it in his office. He even went as far as to pack their beloved Teukie lunches so he would be able to snack during meetings, in dressing rooms, and on the way home if need be. Whenever Leeteuk had to rush off he was there handing him his coat, phone, and his small lunch bag. If Leeteuk so much as lost his keys Siwon would be there searching through the couch making sure that the leader didn't stress himself out too much.
He didn't mind taking time to make sure that the leader was physically okay. Then he, along with the other members, would drag Leeteuk out of the house to go do something. Sometimes they would go to a bar, sometimes they would just take a hot pot out to the roof and enjoy the crisp weather, things that Kangin would have usually done to get Leeteuk out of his room.
And Leeteuk was grateful. He knew what he was doing wasn't healthy, and that if he didn't watch out he would end up in the hospital but he couldn't help it. It was something that he had understood when he accepted the position of leader in Super Junior. However, he couldn't imagine the toll it would take on his body when Kangin wasn't there. Thankfully, Siwon seemed to understand. He finally got his appetite back, was finally able to sleep better, even the make up noonas were telling him that the bags under his eyes which had become permanent over the last weeks were noticeably less prominent. He even had to laugh a little when Siwon went as far as to pack him snacks, almost as if he were a little kid. None the less he sent a silent thank you to Siwon as he bit his apple
Yay! Another story done! Only 97 to go -_-
Comments? Suggestions? Please, do tell :D