Loki takde na bari herani nal...

Jun 22, 2004 14:36

My sister's wedding was fantastic. Pictures to come ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

meerasedai June 22 2004, 16:42:44 UTC
congrats to your sister! i would never want a hindu wedding either but i don't think i have choice, being the oldest kid of the generation, etc etc.

this may sound stupid but i can't translate the title of your post!!!
it starts out saying... people... to you... don't... big... ?
all those years of hindi school and listening to my family speak and that's as much as i can come up with!

edit: upon further scrutiny (i reread it) this is what i can come up with
people don't look... big...
i guess i didn't absorb enough punjabi to survive the bhangra scene


skweejay June 23 2004, 06:07:37 UTC
I believe it translates to "People are watching with amazement." I'm not 100% sure - my Punjabi is a bit rusty as well - but I think that's right.
And you can be into Bhangra without knowing Punjabi (as can be seen by the thousands of Americans who are into it!)


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