The first six people to comment in this post get to request that I write a drabble/ficlet of any pairing/character of their choosing. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level.
I can't say when I'll get around to this since I'm super busy with rl atm, but I'll do my best :D My list of fandoms is
here. I'll give anything a go, as long as I'm somewhat familiar with the source material. Prompts are totally optional. c:
On an unrelated note, HI INTERNET, I MISS YOU *clings* I've been so wrapped up in packing and worrying and failing at being organised that I've done pretty much none of the things I wanted to do this summer, i.e. write lots of fic and watch lots of awesome shows. ;n; #mylifeissohard Maybe this meme will give me the kick I need to start actually being productive, idk. please someone comment
Hope everyone is swell ♥