Title: Advent Calendar Day 22 Pairing: Sakumiya Rating/Warnings: PG Summary: Finding the perfect present isn't always easy. Notes: Written for my advent calendar for yoru_no_hikaru
OMG, these two. I love how they go shopping with the help of their friends (who are like: yeah, I thikn he likes that. Whatever) And it ends up being perfect <3 Thanks for writing!
Awwww!!! I love parallels!!! And the implication that Sho and Jun are BFFs like Aimiya are really has me whimpering happily on the floor. Those two dorks and their perfect gifts <3 Thank you!
Let me say that I absolutely LOVE this!!! <3 <3 <3 It's so... *hops around with happy dance*
LOL, Sho. XD He's so determined not to make a mistake. And it's really cute that we wants to get something Nino would like even though he doesn't understand a thing about it. <3
Nino too, it's adorable how he wonders why Sho would want to have something like a poem collection. XDDD (Ninomiya-kun, poems are great, please try to read some. :D ) He gets it too, so Sho will smile. Somehow I feel like it's really special for him to spend money on something he would never buy for himself. ^^"
Their matched minds are downright lovely, how they both try to find something that the other will enjoy. <3 <3 And they find something too. To me, just knowing that the other made an effort is worth ten times more than the actual present, which makes all of this all the sweeter still. ^^
I totally love this, thanks a lot for thinking it up. :D
Comments 12
Thanks for writing!
Thanks so much for reading and commenting dear <3<3
Sweet! ♥
it showed that they're different yet they love each other, completing other ♥
Yes, they are, but that doesn't mean that they can't love each other, right XD <3
Let me say that I absolutely LOVE this!!! <3 <3 <3 It's so... *hops around with happy dance*
LOL, Sho. XD He's so determined not to make a mistake. And it's really cute that we wants to get something Nino would like even though he doesn't understand a thing about it. <3
Nino too, it's adorable how he wonders why Sho would want to have something like a poem collection. XDDD (Ninomiya-kun, poems are great, please try to read some. :D ) He gets it too, so Sho will smile. Somehow I feel like it's really special for him to spend money on something he would never buy for himself. ^^"
Their matched minds are downright lovely, how they both try to find something that the other will enjoy. <3 <3 And they find something too. To me, just knowing that the other made an effort is worth ten times more than the actual present, which makes all of this all the sweeter still. ^^
I totally love this, thanks a lot for thinking it up. :D
XDD Yeah, poems are great....but I am more on Nino's side here *lol* Games are my forte XDDD
THanks for your request and for your lovely comment. <3 <3 <3 *hugs*
I am sure sho will love anything that nino give to him
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