Title: My word is my bond
Pairing: Aiba Masaki/ Matsumoto Jun; Ninomiya Kazunari/ Sakurai Sho
Rating: up to NC-17, but PG-13 most of the time
Warning: It’s dystopia mixed with steampunk and futuristic elements combined with elements from the 18th century, I guess... So it’s a little bit darker at some points, but nothing too dark, I promise.
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Comments 15
and ohno. *___*
just as kind-hearted as sho and masaki. ^^
that is great.
and i hope that they can keep their 'play' up when it comes to their parents and their friends >.<
i don't want, that they get in trouble!
i am really looking forward for the next chapter!
see you ^^
Yes, Ohno is same like the others :D
They'll try to prevent troubles, but it's not always possible.
Thanks sooo much for reading and commenting dear <3 <3 <3 <3
I'm scary about the family friends.
I like the idea of a nice friendship with Ohno. He has so a kind heart. My Ohno-bias heart is melting now.
Its always good to be not alone. To have friends. They can help each other.
Jun please get well soon. And gogogo Masaki and Sho to explain it in a good way to the parents.
Nino be careful with the family friends.
See you next chapter!
Friends are always important, that's true <3
Masaki and Sho will do everything to help NIno and Jun.
THanks so much for reading and commenting dear <3 <3 <3 <3
Go Aiba! You can save Jun!
I am curious on how their parents are gonna handle the whole 'slaves for pleasure' arrangement. Also this Ryo character, if he is Ohno's slave he should be trustworthy right? Hehe
Thanks for the update! Cant wait for the next one.
Much loves<3
Aiba is smart, he'll try everything to help Jun :D
Ohno has a trustworthy slave, yes :D
Thanks soooo much for reading and commenting dear <3 <3
So it was Ohno who taught both of them about being good to slaves, they're indeed good people XD
Thanks for the update!
Yes, Ohno was a big part for their reasons. ^^
Thanks sooo much for reading and commenting <3
Sho has thought of this plan well (considering Masaki just pushed him to it). I think their family status will be a big obstacle to them owning slaves and treating them well.
Keep it up! Looking forward to the next!
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