Title: My word is my bond
Pairing: Aiba Masaki/ Matsumoto Jun; Ninomiya Kazunari/ Sakurai Sho
Rating: up to NC-17, but PG-13 most of the time
Warning: It’s dystopia mixed with steampunk and futuristic elements combined with elements from the 18th century, I guess... So it’s a little bit darker at some points, but nothing too dark, I promise.
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Comments 15
Why did i thinking of pasta when you ask about breakfast? Haha
I am so eager to see what's going to happen next. I am dreading that some bad things will happen to his family because they are so nice and so different from other people in this society. >_< Hope everything will be okay.
Looking forward to the next update. It's some Sakumiya time, isn't it? Yeah!
Oh, between Sho and Masaki, I think they are equal, they just have different strengths ^^
Sakumiya will have their space, yes ^^ But also JunBa, of course :D
Thanks for reading and commenting, dear <3
Thanks for the update!
Thanks sooo much for your comment, dear <3 <3 <3
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