Now most of you are going to disagree, but I really think perfection is an interpretation. We can't understand why certain things happen (i.e. Hurricane Katrina, broken hearts, etc.) and we often see horrible points to them, we can't find the good. Maybe we can't always see it, but I firmly believe there's a reason. Yes, God allows these horrible things on Earth to happen, He doesn't always agree with them, and he could prevent them, yet he doesn't. Why? I think they're meant to make us stronger, to let us live, to experience. It might not make a whole lot of sense, but to me, these things make us who we are. If we all had lives without pain or suffering, the typical idea of 'perfect,' we would be nothing like we are today. In that sense, I don't want all of the world's problems to be taken away on a silver patter, I want to live. And the life that I have, what the world has, is perfect the way it is. Faults and all. Perfection is merely the way you look at things. Or so I think.
But after all that, I feel so incredibley blessed to have my life and everything in it. I'm not sure what else I could ask for. My dreams have been made into realities and I feel like I can do anything that I set my mind to. I have nothing to fear with God on my side. And I know that I do stupid things and make mistakes, I refuse to see the truth, to take the answers God has given me, but I'm forgiven for that and life goes on. The only thing I have to fear is myself turning against God and everything I believe in. The day that happens, the day I lose myself, I will be afraid of anything and everything.
But right now, I couldn't be more sure of who I am; I have no idea where I'm going, but I know I'm going there in good care. I feel so confident in who I am, and find so much strength and drive in me, it amazes me. I sit here in awe sometimes, marveling at the life I have. I couldn't ask for anything more. It's amazing how much we have and don't take the time to realize and appreciate. I truly love my life and everything in it. :)
That's all. <3