THE (✔)-(✖) MEME 1. Comment with your username. 2. Write something positive and something negative about your friends. 3. IP logging is off. 4. No wank, kthx.
You're a bright, unbiased and kind person who tries to see both sides of every situation, regardless as to how pig-headed and stubborn the sides you're dealing with are. ie me
+ No matter what it is, except if it hurts someone and is people being a dick, you roll with it. Some of the shit I've told you most people would be freaking out on me.
- You're way too chill about your daily life. You let RP/interwebs shit get in the way of what's gonna affect your RL too much.
Yeah because there are just so many anons you also happen to know me in real life.
+ That's just how I roll. /shot
- Eh-heh :D; I'm certainly planning on getting my shit in order in time for the fall semester, but then again you know how many times I've said that. So. Erm. I guess I'm not sure how to solve this sort of thing without feeling like a douche to my interweb friends. /socially retarded forever
I've just noticed a pattern with you and Jilana, with KB, with myself as pertains to not-schoolwork/not-vidya gaems, and after something today I'm worried about it starting with Mia (Aizen-mun). It's really not good for any of us, especially since you're trying to salvage your grades enough for an MBA program. You gotta start stuff the day before the day before you think you need to start it, bb. RP is a hell of a drug.
spinelsoup lolwho
You're a bright, unbiased and kind person who tries to see both sides of every situation, regardless as to how pig-headed and stubborn the sides you're dealing with are. ie me
Uh... er... LOOK OVER THERE *runs*
That's certainly how I try to be :)
And I'm sure you can think of something bad to say about me, derpface.
You don't have to blame everything on yourself, you know. It's dumb.
• Self Demonstrating Article
+ No matter what it is, except if it hurts someone and is people being a dick, you roll with it. Some of the shit I've told you most people would be freaking out on me.
- You're way too chill about your daily life. You let RP/interwebs shit get in the way of what's gonna affect your RL too much.
+ That's just how I roll. /shot
- Eh-heh :D; I'm certainly planning on getting my shit in order in time for the fall semester, but then again you know how many times I've said that. So. Erm. I guess I'm not sure how to solve this sort of thing without feeling like a douche to my interweb friends. /socially retarded forever
here have some homos to make it go down easier
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