20 Questio... I mean Quotes

Nov 15, 2008 16:48


So I have seen a number of versions of this on a number of journals.  The biggest difference being the number of movies.  So I took the version with 20, simply because it reminded me of 20 questions and 20 seemed like a nice number, especially since I do not keep a running record of my favourite movies.  Only the top 2.  So these are 20 OF my favourite movies.  More specifically, the first 20 I could think of.   If I did this list in a few hours again, it would be different.  Anywho, on to the rules of the meme.

* Choose 20 of your favourite films
* Go to IMDB and pick one of their quotes for each movie.
* Post the quotes (without names) here, for everyone to guess which movie it comes from.
* Strikeout the quote when someone guesses the correct movie in the comments.  Write the name of the movie and who guessed it next to to struck through quote.
*No Googling / using IMDB / other forms of cheating by the guessers!  Where would be the fun in that?!?

In no particular order...

1.     Gaston:  How can you read this?  There's no pictures!
        Belle:  Well, some people use their imagination.  
Beauty and the Beast.  drderange .

2.    Jack Aarons:    She brought you something special when she came here, didn't she? That's what you hold onto. That's how you keep her alive.
Bridge to Terabithia. rethwellan .

3.     Walter Stratford:    My insurance doesn't cover PMS!
        Kat Stratford:    Well then, tell them I had a seizure.
10 Things I Hate About You.  Claire bear via gchat.

4.    Amelie:    At least you'll never be a vegetable - even artichokes have hearts.

Amelie:    It's better to help people than garden gnomes.
Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain (AKA Amelie).  Sonsuster via Gchat.

Akeelah:    I'm naturally inquisitive.
Dr. Larabee:    Yes, which is also sometimes confused with being naturally obnoxious.
Akeelah and the Bee.  No guessers.  CHANGED!

Mike:  I think I have a plan here: using mainly spoons, we dig a tunnel under the city and release it into the wild.
Sulley:  Spoons?
Mike:  That's it, I'm out of ideas. We're closed. Hot air balloon? Too expensive. Giant slingshot? Too conspicuous. Enormous wooden horse? Too Greek.
Monsters Inc.  drderange .

6.     Dr. Scott:    You don't want to hurt anyone.
        Samara Morgan:    But I do, and I'm sorry. It won't stop.

Noah:  I can't imagine being stuck down a well all alone like that. How long could you survive?
Rachel Keller:  Seven days.
The Ring. FredX via Gchat

7.    Marv:  I love hitmen. No matter what you do to them, you don't feel bad.

John Hartigan:  When it comes to reassuring a traumatized 19-year-old, I'm about as expert as a palsy victim doing brain surgery with a pipe wrench.
Sin City.  FredX via Gchat.

8.     Jazz:    You want a piece of me? You want a piece?
        Megatron:    No, I want two!

Barricade:  Are you username: LadiesMan217?
Sam:  I don't know what you're talking about!
Sam:  Yeah...
Barricade:  Where is the eBay item 21153? WHERE ARE THE GLASSES?
Transformers. drderange .

9.    Westley:    There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours.

Westley:  You've made your decision, then?
Vizzini:  Not remotely! Because iocaine comes from Australia, as everyone knows. And Australia is entirely peopled with criminals. And criminals are used to having people not trust them as you are not trusted by me, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you.
Westley:  Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.
Vizzini:  Wait till I get going!   [pause]   Where was I?
The Princess Bride.  FredX via GChat.

10.    Madame Giry:    He's a genius, monsieur. He's an architect and designer; he's a composer and magician. He's a genius!
          Raoul:    Yes, but it seems genius has turned to madness.
The Phantom of the Opera. Claire bear via Gchat.

11.      Nikola Tesla:  Have you considered the cost of such a machine?
            Robert Angier:    Price is not an object.
            Nikola Tesla:    Yes, but have you considered the cost?

Alfred Borden:  He came in to demand an answer and I told him the truth. That I have fought with myself over that night, one half of me swearing blind that I tied a simple slipknot, the other half convinced that I tied the Langford double. I can never know for sure.
The Prestige.  Sonsuster via Gchat.

12.    Kim:    You see, before he came down here, it never snowed. And afterwards, it did. If he weren't up there now... I don't think it would be snowing. Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it.

Edward:  Kevin, you wanna play scissors, paper, stone again?
Kevin:  No!
Edward:  Why not?
Kevin:  'Cause it's boring. I always win!
Edward Scissorhands.  magependragon .

Gloria Goodfellow:    You can't just go 'round killing people just because you don't approve of them!
Grace Hawkins:    You know, that's what my doctors used to say. It was the one point we could never agree on.
Keeping Mum.  No Guessers.  CHANGED!

Gina:  Well "Sinead O'Rebellion." Shock me shock me shock me with that deviant behavior
Debra:  God, that is so clever. I swear you get smarter the shorter your skirt gets.
Empire Records.  rethwellan  via Gchat.

14.    Santa:    Haven't you heard of peace on earth and goodwill toward men?
          Lock, Shock and Barrel:    NO!

Jack:  There's children throwing snowballs instead of throwing heads, they're busy building toys and absolutely no one's dead!
The Nightmare before Christmas.  drderange .

15.    DuPont:    Wait! Wait! Look at me. Look at me. I'm life. I live... I, I breathe... I feel. Now that you know it... can you really take it? Is it really worth the price?
         John Pretson:    I pay it gladly.
Equilibrium.  rethwellan .

16.    Indiana Jones:    Wear your jewels to bed Princess?
          Willie:    Yeah... and nothing else. Shock you?
          Indiana Jones:    Nothing shocks me. I'm a scientist
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. magependragon .

17.    Ducky:    The tree is talking!
          Littlefoot:    No it isn't.

You should not eat talking trees. Nope, nope nope.  
The Land Before Time.  drderange

18.    Richard Finch:     Why do you wanna work on television?
          Bridget:    I've got to leave my job because I shagged my boss.
          Richard Finch:    Fair enough. Start on Monday.
Bridget Jones's Diary.  Claire bear via Gchat.

19.   Magenta:   I ask for nothing!
         Frank:   And you shall receive it, IN ABUNDANCE!

Frank:  He'll eat nutritious, high protein and swallow raw eggs... Tried to build up his shoulders, his chest, arms and legs. Such an effort, if he only knew of my plan. In just seven days I can make you a man.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show. magependragon


Will:    You think I'm too old for you?
Charlotte:    Oh, no... I collect antiques, or I aspire to.
Will:    Ouch.
Autumn in New York.  No guessers.  CHANGED!

Dr. Emma Russell:  After all, you are my personal saint.
Simon Templar:  You have to be a very good, and usually very dead person to become a saint. And more importantly, you need to work three miracles. Now, get to work.
The Saint.  rethwellan  via Gchat.

fun, meme, movies

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