Warnings This is a slightly more detailed description of the warnings, but stop reading if you don’t want spoilers for the story. If you need any particular details, or further information, please just message me.
The first warning is character death, but rest assured it’s not major character death, the major characters in the story being Sam, Dean and Cas. There are depictions and descriptions of violence and murder throughout, as well as descriptions of children having been murdered. I haven’t gone into it in a lot of detail, but if you are concerned, please message me and I am sure we can work it out somehow.
At one point in the story, the characters are imprisoned with other children, and although definitely not on the same level, it could be compared to concentration camps. Again, if you are concerned and want more details about this, feel free to contact me. Weapons used throughout the story include knives, guns, bow and arrows, and characters using their fists. This means that there are stabbings, gunshot wounds and other injuries.
Other warnings include one of the characters having severe hearing loss, swearing (worse than show), and graphic descriptions of sex between M/M, although both are 18 years old, and descriptions of rimming if that isn’t your thing. A warning for the fact no protection or lubricant is used during the sex.
Notes & Acknowledgements (Includes spoilers) This story really got away from me and grew into something much larger than I had anticipated. It originally began as a simple romance between Dean and Cas, in the middle of a dystopian society. Their imprisonment jumped out of nowhere, and I still feel like I had so much more to say, and that they’re itching to tell me more. (But hey, I had to put a cap on it somewhere. Perhaps I’ll revisit their world in the future, fill in some gaps and tell the stories of the other characters who were affected by the war).
I have to thank Lucy and Josie who had to put up with me moaning about finishing it on time, and helped me throughout with questions about the characters and plot. I must also apologise to Lucy who isn’t even in the fandom, and another thanks to Josie who not only encouraged me to get into Supernatural, but mentioned The Hunger Games to me for the first time, also. I think I have to mention THG in here somewhere, because on some level it created my love of dystopians (along with Stephen King), and although it’s in no way based on THG, a small amount of credit is due there.
I cannot praise or thank this person enough. My absolutely fabulous, amazing, talented artist tsuminoaru has been invaluable through the entire process, and I cannot tell you how lucky I felt when I saw she had claimed my story. Through picking apart all the nitty gritty details, not letting me ignore the plotholes, and creating incredible artwork, so much thanks goes to her. REALLY, THANK YOU SO MUCH. It’s been such a pleasure!
-> Please go along and tell her how wonderful her art is here, because she deserves to hear it!
I also have to thank flutter-owl over at tumblr for the spectacular beta work she did, especially having to trawl through 55k in so little time because I was so unorganised. She managed to through it all so thank you, really. (Special beta thanks here.)
A massive thank you to the mods of deancasbigbang who are so organised and helpful, and dedicated to do this year in and year out.
Last, but definitely not least, I would like to thank everyone who decided to give this story a try, and stuck through it all, and anyone who comments or passes it along to a friend. I hope you’ve somewhat enjoyed your stay :)