The delusion is strong in this one.

Jul 15, 2011 04:46

So I just got back from seeing Deathly Hallows Part 2. The last Harry Potter movie. End of an era, yadda yadda. My overall feeling? Disappointment tbh.

A lot of my feelings are just a reflection of those I had with the last book (the last half of the book I should say). Understandably. Only I think this movie has really brought them to fruition. The main issue I have is how little the deaths towards the end of DH actually provoke an emotion from me. The exception to this in the book is Fred's death, but in the movie that too felt rather hollow. Though maybe it's simply the place I'm in at the moment and I'll go back to it at a later date and feel the emotion I feel it's missing.

I honestly think I enjoyed the movie despite this. Which sounds weird really. I'm mostly disappointed with myself for letting one aspect, that was possibly completely personal, ruin the movie for me. It wasn't until towards the end that I felt anything but being caught up in a pretty thrilling ride. It was exciting throughout and it didn't seem overly drawn out, much of the amazing cast of characters were given their moment to shine and, overall, the acting by all was fantastic. Plus, McGonagall was a true HBIC. I should have adored it based on all those things. In some ways it was the best of the series.

This is the obligatory paragraph about a certain Potions Master, heh (I've been reading the Severus Snape series all along). Anyway, I realise that this is completely ridiculous to most, but it seems I have well and truly convinced myself that Snape is in fact not dead. Really. That is my head canon, and I don't see any contradictory evidence. Possibly because I don't want to see it. He's probably chilling in Italy or something living a nice quiet life. So there that is. His 'death scene' still made me sad but I did not need all the tissue my sister had prepared for me in anticipation of my breakdown, lol.

Oh so much denial.

Other issues the movie highlighted that I didn't like about the book:
- Slytherins are bad, m'kay. Really J.K? So weak, I can't even.
- the Lily thing. I sorta thought the movie did it better than the book? The only way I can stomach that storyline is if I see it as a love for a very dear friend and not (at least solely) a romantic thing. Friend thing? Touching. Otherwise? Creepy and cheap.
- Epilogue. Awful, awful, awful. I will never think it was okay.

As this is awfully negative I will end by saying that some of the shots of Snape were beautiful. Not in some kind of 'I'm lusting over him right now' kind of way, but truly beautiful.

Anyone else seen it/seeing it/couldn't care less?

Edit: Mary is nominated for an Emmy. I am happy for her, but I'd be lying if I said that I'm not bitter that she's nominated for that character of all things. I honestly do not think it's a strong role of her's. I'm a horrible fan.

harry potter, mary mcdonnell

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