
Dec 01, 2011 14:31

I come bearing gifts for mizunfortunate~!

Cause she's had a bleh time lately and so we decided to doooo stuff for her for when she returned to us so here is my meagre contribution~

Characters: Hebe
Content Warnings: None~!
Setting: Past
Word Count: 532

Hebe stared into the looking glass and swallowed hard.

She was trying not to vomit. Smelling like stale vomit was not the most attractive quality in a bride.

Had her Mom been this nervous when she got married? No, that was impossible. Her Mom was completely unflappable. Even when she had told Hebe this was happening, she had done it with such perfect serenity Hebe had felt like she was being told it was probably about time for a haircut.

Hebe didn't want to be married. Well, she didn't want to be married to someone she didn't even know, at any rate. Her parents had known one another before they got married. Granted, they had grown up together, but it seemed a little unfair.

She took a moment to ponder what it would be like if she was getting married to Ares, and shuddered slightly.

Her Mom had talked to her about duty, and being a Good Daughter, and a Good Wife, but it hadn't really made any difference. She knew that this was how things were done, but she really did just want to stay at home and be a kid forever.

Having sex sounded scary. Having children sounded scary. She had heard a rumour from Eris that her husband-to-be had killed his first wife and children in a madness induced rage, and even though Hebe was immortal, the thought still made her feel cold to the pit of her stomach. She hoped he wouldn't be violent with her, but everything her mother had told her about heroes kept springing to mind: they were unpredictable, they were violent, trouble followed them wherever they went.

So why was her mother making her marry one? Especially one she had done her best to make absolutely miserable his entire life.

She really was just a prize to won, a trophy for a job well done.

Honestly, she was grateful for the fact that he had saved her Mom, she really was. But Dad had been there too, and he wasn't getting a trophy wife.

Okay, that was a terrible comparison. Hebe put her head down on the vanity. Of course Dad had been there, he had been saving his wife. It was his duty. The hero had been just doing his job.

Now that Hebe thought about it, though, he didn't have to save her Mom, really. Especially if her Mom had done nothing but terrorise him since he was born. That hadn't been his duty, and he had done it anyway.

She toyed with her necklace. Perhaps... Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as she had thought? If this hero could find it in himself to save the goddess who had put him through hell... then surely he would treat his wife nicely? And help her, and protect her, if she ever needed it?

That calmed her nerves. Her mouth was still dry but she no longer felt the urge to vomit.

There was a knock at the door. Hebe looked at her reflection and took a deep breath. It was now or never.

The maid entered and asked if she was ready. Standing, Hebe assumed an expression of perfect serenity.

"I am."

myth, character: other, icons, fic, here have some pretty

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