Translation: Potato December 2016 - Yabu and Hikaru

Nov 11, 2016 14:52

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Q1. A “ladies first” act which you bear in mind (or do not bear in mind)

Yabu: I do want to treat even strangers in a way while considering “ladies first”. For example, when I ride the elevator, I want to open the door and wait for her before she enters. But I am a shy person so I think my face would probably look very curt (laugh). Speaking of which, when I was a student and if there was a female standing near me on a crowded train, I would do my best to stand firm so as not to let her feel uneasy. Other ladies first acts…. To be the one walking along the side of the road when I am walking with a female? I don’t really understand that. I would rather she protects herself (laugh).

Hikaru: During location filming, when we go indoors and if a female is nearby, I will let her go in first. Same goes for riding the elevator. Rather than being conscious of ladies first, I just do it normally when I notice her. But for guys walking on the roadside beside her, I think that’s dangerous (laugh). In the first place, since we are walking along the road, I think it is better to walk in a position where one is most comfortable in. I haven’t done this before, but something which I think is smart and cool, is giving flowers as a present. Regardless of the day not being her birthday or any reason for celebration, it would be great if I could just pass her flowers naturally on a normal day.

Q2. A “mature male” whom you admire

Yabu: Kitamura Kazuki-san, whom I was in a drama with previously. He had a bit of a scary image in the beginning but when you interact with him, he is a really gracious person who is always smiling. Even though he has a lot of experience, he isn’t haughty at all, and the way he talks to you casually was really cool. I thought I wanted to grow like that too. If I were a girl, I would definitely fall for him!

Hikaru: B’z’s Inaba (Koshi)-san. How he trains his body, and his actions, everything about him is cool. I have always liked him and he has always been a person I admire since before! Also, I think people who know a lot of restaurants also leave a great and mature impression on me.

Q3. An episode recently which you thought “I am probably cool after all?”

Yabu: Recently, I often go to the public baths and I know that the entrance fee costs 460yen, so I will prepare the exact amount beforehand so that the people at the counter do not have to return me any small change. During such times I think that I am smart and cool (laugh). By the way after my bath, the milk costs 130yen and I prepare that separately too. All along, I am the type who tries not to let the people at the register return me any change. Even if I call for delivery, I prepare the exact amount and if I am short of 20 yen, I get the coins out from my piggy bank. But then again, I go to the convenience store and break my big notes into small change, so that is different. I just find pleasure in persistently trying to prepare the exact amount when I am at home (laugh)

Hikaru: When I play my bass, I think I want to be cool in my own way. I have my own techniques, especially during the concerts and performances. I don’t appeal to others like “I have done a lot of research just for this!” (laugh). Other than that, I do not really care how I am to others, and I don’t think “Oh, I am cool today” too. If I had to mention something, I am probably only concerned with my hairstyle. When I dye my hair, I do wonder “I wonder if my hair has been dyed to a cool colour?” But that’s just my own self satisfaction. On the other hand, there are many times where I am not cool at all (laugh). My summer private clothes are always jerseys and I am far from being cool (laugh). And I bet next year I will be in the same clothes too. During summer, I give priority to coolness and comfort rather than fashion.

Q4. A person who is good with adlibs?

Yabu: Isn’t it Hikaru? I think it is like him after all to have a quick response when someone says something. It helps me a lot when he produces something more which the people around expect. I am the type who wants to respond to requests precisely so I am bad in adlibs….

Hikaru: Isn’t is Yabu? During press conferences, he can answer any question that is thrown to us. When I see that, I think he is really reliable. Ah, I am not bad too. Rather than focusing on whether I can do adlibs, I think it is more important to accumulate experience. During location shoots, the process is somehow decided, but the rest is basically adlib. After a few times, I gradually get better. By the way, someone whom I think is good at tsukkomi (rebutting) is Watabe-san. I am someone who doesn’t rebut other’s jokes so I think he is great.

Q5. Something which you think that “If I change this part of mine, I can be more of an adult”

Yabu: I often think that I am still like a kid. For example, I don’t really cut my toenails. I grow them until it seems like they are going to break, and then I finally cut them. When I am into games, I stay up all night and that part of me is like a kid. From there, I sometimes shop too much and my mum gets mad at me, and that point of me is also like a kid (laugh). Even though I am already of this age, when she sees my credit card details she gets mad and says “What did you buy!” So whether I can change that part of myself… I don’t know (laugh)

Hikaru: When I am sleepy, I take afternoon naps. I cannot resist my sleepiness. Well, I don’t intend to change it though (laugh)

Q6. Recent updates

Yabu: During the Yokohama Arena concerts, two of my childhood friends came to watch. On that day, I had plans to eat with Chinen, but since it was a rare chance, I met up with those two friends too and the four of us ate together. Somehow, it feels weird like having to introduce my wife (Chinen) to my old friends (laugh). The four of us chatted happily and it was a really enjoyable time.
Hikaru: I went to eat with Yabu and Chinen. Recently, I often eat with them after work ends. Yabu is the one who often decides on the place, and he brings us to places. Recently we went to eat yakiniku. Yakiniku is fast and easy to eat. Depending on our mood, we eat Japanese food sometimes too and the time we spend together is always random. When we are tired, we end early. Those are just normal days (laugh)

yaotome hikaru, translation, yabu kota, yabuhika

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