What in the world!? Is that an actual sky whale? I've never seen one up this close before. I keep telling myself to momantai, but that just doesn't seem to be working today... *groan*
A- as cheesy as this may sound, I think we can overcome this as long as we all work together. If anyone needs me, I'll be below deck looking through books on sky
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Comments 20
Hey, Joushua, are you up on deck?
Whales use a form of it to navigate. Apparently, there have been studies done that say whales are very sensitive to mid-frequency sonar.
Jenyra? *heheheh* I don't think we're gonna be able to stop this thing without hurting *hehe* it. I don't wanna hurt it either, but we might have to.
And I'm not laughing at *hahaha* you. Something really *snicker* funny's happened down in the engine room.
Really? What happened that's so funny?
Well, that's true. Sonar wouldn't be a good idea, but it's either us or the whale, and I'd perfer the whale over us.
*snicker* Vash and Naruto ended up in a very awkward situation....
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