This fic is rated: PG-13
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: OCs en masse
Timeline: during Invincible
Summary: Death comes to Keldabe
A few specific deaths, and the implications of wider mass casualties.
Spoilers: a biggie, for the end of Invincible
Word Count: 155
Feedback: yes, please! Concrit welcomed.
Distribution: archiving, linking or remixing ok, just credit me and drop me a line!
Author's Note: Born of my frustration with how a certain plot point was (or rather, wasn't) dealt with.
skywalker_days, oya_manda
My FanFic MasterlistDisclaimer: George Lucas owns Star Wars. I hope that he will accept this story as the tribute to his genius it is, and not sue me for what little I have. No infringement is intended, no profit is being made. Mando'a was invented by Karen Traviss and is also property of Lucasfilm.
Death spread through the Keldabe night, swift and silent and seemingly random. Here a family died in their beds, choking on their own blood while their neighbors slept unaware. There a barkeep collapsed in front of a tavern full of patrons; even though the three trained battlefield medics on hand did their best to save her. In the MandalMotors factory, workers fell away from their stations, seemingly at random, while their fellows were untouched.
By dawn Keldabe was, if not in a panic, then as close to it as a city full of hardened soldiers was likely to come. The streets were empty except for the body recovery details, and in the city's med-centers, doctors searched frantically for a common thread.
Meanwhile the survivors sealed their families into their safe-rooms. The city held its breath, waiting to see what would happen next. They could only assume that the worst was yet to come.