Title: Giant Transportation
Author: sl_podcast
Rating: G
Characters: Dawn, Buffy
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: Spoilers for Season 8
Written for
the 100 Word Stories podcast. What's the fastest way to get from here to there? For Buffy Summers, queen of the slayers, the choice was easy. Dawn, Buffy's sister who once was a mystical key is mystically now a giant because she had sex with a thricewise (don't ask me, I don't write them, just read'm) Dawn could bring Buffy anywhere she wanted to go. Dawn carried Buffy in the palm of her hand, almost like a toy.
Well, it was a good mode of transportation until the day Dawn had a run in with the police who said "Come out with your hands up."
I, like Joss, LOVE Giant Dawn.