Instead of just begging for you to head over to and vote for Buffy Between the Lines (because it would be the best birthday present EVER to win). I'm gonna give you some crack fic! So please go vote (use a real email address because you'll have to validate it 9 times out of 10). And then enjoy the Buffy/Torchwood fic!
Title: When Anya Met Jack, Part 3
Author: sl_podcast aka Tabz
Rating: PG-13 (for swearing)
Fandom: Buffy/Torchwood (Post Season 7 of Buffy, Post Series 2, but Pre-Children of Earth of Torchwood)
Characters: Anya, Jack and Inato
Summary: Where exactly do ex-demons go when they die? Apparently some rift in Cardiff...
A/N: I don't own the rights to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, nor to Torchwood.... but if I did I probably wouldn't keep them all so miserable. Special thanks to piratescribe for the suggestion for a Anya/Jack crossover. Also, this story is itching to be longer, so you'll get more tomorrow. And this is more of a crack premise than a crack fic. :D
Click here for Part 1. Click here for Part 2. Anya had slept well. She wasn't sure how long she had been asleep when she woke up, the lack of natural sunlight in the Torchwood office messed with her internal clock. She stretched and tried to decide what she should do next. Life as a human had always had some kind of purpose. Well, technically so had her vengeance days. First it was wrecking mayhem and avenging wronged women. Then it was being with Xander. Then, it was saving humankind. Now? She wasn't too sure about "now". Everything seemed pointless after the last apocalypse. Had Buffy succeeded? Maybe this was just some alternate universe without slayers. Instead there were oddly chipper men in suspenders whisking damsels in distress down into their impenetrable fortress. Anya sighed. That reminded her too much of Xander.
She wondered for the fiftieth time why she wasn't really dead. Finally it was too much thinking, so she imagined Giles reading something extremely complicated out of a dusty and arcane book that made it seem plausible. She wasn't surprised for how comforting that felt. She flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Was it even possible the gang was still alive? How would she find them if they were? Anya contemplated finding a demon bar or other source of underground knowledge, but she couldn't be sure D'Hoffryn's goons weren't still looking to kill her. She was just wondering if she could send the "not as cute" man to a demon bar in her place when the "cute man" knocked on her door. "Anya?"
Anya climbed out of bed and opened the door. "Yes?"
"Is everything good? Can I get you anything?" Jack smiled until a dimple showed.
Anya tried to push down her overwhelming emotions and anger. She knew Jack was just trying to help, but being dead, brought to some unknown place by unknown people and then hearing your home and previous business were destroyed was a bit much to be solved by a glass of warm milk and a pat on the head. "No, thank you." Anya was brisk, but Jack had already surmised it was just her way.
"You sure? You hungry?"
Anya ignored the question and just looked at Jack for a couple seconds. Then she said softly, "I really should be going. I don't want to impose any more than I already have. I've invaded your personal space."
Jack's grin widened, Anya was now convinced he was part Cheshire demon -- only they could smile that large. Stepping closer with a slightly more husky voice he said, "I like my personal space invaded."
Anya blinked. She wasn't used to a human freely making sexual advances. Xander had always told her how "wrong" it was or he start up the "being-human-means-being-appropriate-Anya" speechifying. It was... nice to hear someone be so free to speak their mind.
"Thank you for your generous offer." Anya patted Jack's shoulder with, in her mind, appropriate friendship overtones. "I'm sure your personal space is adequate."
Jack barked out a laugh. "I like you, Anya."
Pushing some hair out of her face Anya smiled, the first real smile since her apperance in Cardiff. "And I like you. But really, I shouldn't stay much longer...."
A look of concern passed Jack's face. "Where would you go, if you left?"
"Oh... somewhere." Anya picked at the hem of her sweater. Had she known she was going to die in this outfit she might have picked something a bit more alluring.
"Well," Jack said, crossing his arms. "The truth is we can't let you go. You came out of our rift and we need to figure out why."
"Rift?" Anya wrinkled her eyebrows together, obviously confused. "What's a 'Rift'?"
Jack's huge grin was gone, but there was still a sparkle in his eyes. "What's a vengeance demon?"