(no subject)

Sep 17, 2011 05:28

My right arm hurts D: Not imaginary right arm it did not get cut down by a certain Laurant *cough*

For some reason I thought it was 開場 5pm and 開演 5.30pm but it was actually 5.30pm and 6.30pm respectively. Hmm. Well at least I didn't go late =.= On my way there I had fun guessing which are the people who were going to the same destination as me and trust me it's SUPER EASY to tell which ppl are going to a Sanhora con lolx. Other than the really tell-tale scrunchies (got the Hortense and Violette ones, Marchen one, and this tour's three...) and the badges, things to note is red corsages, excessive lace and gothic-ish clothes. Lolx.

That aside. It's my second time going to Yokohama Arena, and this time the stage was at a different place from the previous time. My seat was pretty up the slope (lolx) but actually pretty near the stage too. (Thanks to that the sound system was pretty much blasting in my ears...) Yar so the seat was kind of better than I thought it would be. Considering how I couldn't really see half of the stage when I got a side seat at Yoyogi, this is pretty not bad cos at least I could see most of the stage. And they have camera screens at the side. Yays.

I tried to recall the set list but as usual I can only remember the songs but not the sequence so I'm referring to here as I type. Participating members = Inoue Azumi, Kuribayashi Minami, KAORI, YUUKI, Joelle, Shimotsuki Haruka.

First must of course mention the tour theme song Revive. I made the stupid mistake of forgetting to listen to it and learn it before the con. I mean. I knew of the existence of this song but somehow I just forgot about it. Oops. Just like how I remembered that I need to bring the Sanhora passport ytd night and not today =.= In the pamphlet it was explained how Heika picked the sentences he picked for the lyrics (from what the Laurants sent in...), it's pretty interesting... worth a read if you can get hold of the pamphlet. Anyway it was a very strong start for the live~

Continued with Yoiyami no Uta. I thought it was interesting how the 2 (and only 2) dancers made a circle with their hands to act as the well and Heika was behind it so that it looked like we are looking into the well. Heika's singing is as =.= as usual haha. From this song you can tell that with today's cast... there is a dire lack of opera-ish high voices. Was pretty interesting how the low parts stood out more in the Ode to Joy part.

MC1. Heika explains why he wasn't in costume today. For Yokohama and the Gaisen in Sendai he wants to bring us Sanhora's message "as themselves". And well he wants to do the Gaisen in Sendai, even though the set will be much simpler than Yokohama's etc. From what he says it sounds like the band won't be there...?? I HOPE NOT DD:

From here on it is more or less medley-styled. The songs are all sang in full length (mostly) but linked together. First set of medley:

星屑の革紐-この狭い鳥籠の中で-Schwarzweiβ ~霧の向こうに繋がる世界~-ゆりかご-見えざる腕-青き伯爵の城-神の光

Hoshikuzu (YUUKI, KAORI) with Akio-san's live narration! Pretty much the same as what was in the 国王生誕祭 DVD if you've seen it, the choreography and clothes. But randomly I like YUUKI's hair here better. Straight-ish, not tied, with a white corsage on one side.

Torikago is pretty as ever~ I must comment on Joelle's dress. Omg lolx whoever designed that needs to be sacked. Seriously. What is that hideous shade of yellow-green =.= I don't know if this tour will ever get a DVD/BD release so I don't know if everyone would have a chance to see it... but really that colour is... It's especially weird when she stands next to KAORI who is in fiery red. I know emerald green belongs to Endou Mari but still... Oh er back to the song... I like how the 2 dancers (1 male 1 female) kind of stood in for chibi!Marz and chibi!Elizabeth for the part they say goodbye.

Schwarzweiβ... was where the lack of opera-ish high voice stood out. Remember how they need to do this song with REMI, Endou Mari and MIKI backing up Shimotsukin... I don't exactly remember who are the other 3 members but I know there was KAORI. Hmm. If I'm not wrong should be Joelle and YUUKI?? Ok not sure. Oh but I must say Shimotsukin was so, so stable during this song today! And she really slimmed down a lot o.O

Yurikago. Azumi-maman + KAORI. You know, I was really surprised when Azumi-maman came out with a (fake) baby in her arms. This song kinda scares me and it being sung live kind of freaks me out. Especially when KAORI said "忘れ物はありませんか?" Apparently Azumi-maman got a lot of lyrics wrong here haha.

Miezaru Ude. KAORI + YUUKI + Akio-san narration. As a 国民 I of course was very happy that there was Alvarez将軍に続けー!!! in the con lolx. KAORI絶好調!'nuff said. I really think she is getting more and more expressive with her voice ne.

Aohige. I FINALLY GOT TO SEE AKIO-SAN AS AOHIGE!!! OMG. His Aohige is really scary! ド迫力で本当に怖いと思った。 Especially his laugh. Makes your hair stand. Poor dancer who had to act out 4 of his wives that were killed and his last wife who managed to escape. So busy! Lolx. But I thought they should have done something to the mics' volume... cos when Aohige was torturing his many wives/shouting at his last wife you really can't hear Kurinoko at all. I would have liked it if they used a red spotlight during the "お気に入りの白い華飾衣がなぜこんなに赤いのか" part since Kurinoko happens to be wearing white. The "iro no tsumi~" part wasn't as sexy as the concert one! After Aohige falls dead to the ground the rest of the members came onstage and...

It continues into Kami no Hikari and Aohige is revived! HAHA. Really didn't expect to hear this song cos it wasn't sung during the past shows in this tour... and even more I didn't expect it to appear after Aohige lolx. Was such a nice scene but somehow comedic. Lolx.

MC2? Or should we call it the storytelling corner. So this is chapter 17 of the story... check out the backnumbers here. I actually couldn't catch most of what Heika says (what's new)... his superb pronunciation ne. I caught the metal bat thing (linking it with Yokohama Baystars) and his song about his urami and Marchen appearing and telling him how he should exact his revenge by baseball too... As to the 2 choices I only caught the second part and realized what was this first choice after he said "彫刻刀に彫られなくてよかった" lolx.

New instrumental song Prayer. Very very band song haha. I LIKE. Solo parts for all the musicians including violinist... Speaking of violinist I'm so sad there is only one violin there... where is my strings quartet and Kame-chan =((( And speaking of new songs I so, so want to listen to TNG (read:てーのーげー, meaning? As in the lyrics hoho). The lyrics look super fun... refer to here.

Medley the 2nd: 海の魔女-キミが生まれてくる世界-<ハジマリ>のクロニクル-エルの楽園[→side:E→]-緋色の花-緋色の風車

Umi no Majo. One of my favourite SH songs~ Shimotsukin~ Was there narration for this? I really don't remember. I think there was. But I really cannot remember it. Hmm. I wonder why. English? Japanese? I totally cannot remember. Song itself was pretty much the same as it is sung before each time...

Kimi ga Umaretekuru Sekai!! I never thought we will get to hear this live. OMG JOELLE LOVE. I vaguely remember there were 2 more ppl singing but I don't remember who... was staring at Joelle throughout oops. I was listening to this on my way to Yokohama and I was thinking to myself that speaking of which I have never heard this live and it was sung today!! YAY.

And of course this must continue into Hajimari no Chronicle... eh? Hmm? Why is there no sound? Eh? Restart? いいえ、気の【ceui】です。 Azumi-maman + Kurinoko! FINALLY. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS. Hajimari no Chronicle at original key!! The usual live key is raised so that both male and female can sing, but that female key is seriously damn high lar. FINALLY I GET TO HEAR THIS AT NORMAL KEY.

私は生涯~ Akio-san saying this part feels so much different from Jimang saying it! Jimang sounds totally suspicious but Akio-san sounds like a villain LOLX. And then the legendary English narration + 横たわるその死体を! Kurinoko + Azumi-maman + Shimotsukin. Actually I only remember Kurinoko (as usual). I think I really like her voice singing this song! /Kurinoko bias. She did the Abyss/Eru talking part too. When will there be a day when side:A is sung live too?

Hiiro no Hana. すっかりYUUKIの持ち歌と化したような… But the other person is different nearly everytime ne. Today was Kurinoko! This was when I thought... Sanhora really have a lot of 3/4 songs. I mean. Er. The rhythm? I like this song with live band much better btw.

Hiiro no Fuusha. KAORI+YUUKI+Joelle. Yappari we need an opera-ish voice! Poor Joelle D: KAORI let us sing the "mawaru mawaru~" parts as usual~ And the towel swinging parts~ Which contributed a lot to the reason why my right arm is hurting. Ok most of the songs contributed actually. English narration... Ehh...

Then came the very very long member intro. Really very long, because this is more or less a talent showcase rather than an intro. Let's see. Oh yar the first thing was that Heika told Azumi-maman that "君のギャラがぽぽぽぽーん!" Lolx. まあ友達ができてよかったじゃない。 Haha. Hmm? What for? Er. いいえ、気の【ceui】です。First up was probably Acchan (bassist), who sang the "c'est madamoiselle~" part with KAORI and YUUKI to his bass. Apparently he wanted to say the "さあ、行っておいで" part. Heika: "The second one to go popopopo-n!" Haha. Then was probably Sonil (hmm I am not that familiar how to Anglicize Korean. Pardon me. Violin.) who said he wanted to revenge on the previous time when he forgot too much of the lyrics so he concentrated on singing this time. Song = Hiiro no Hana. It was really not bad! Until he got to "ruby no~" haha. Heika: "3rd popopopo-n!" Oops. Next up was YUKI (guitar)... who went against the trend of everyone singing (apparently it was a trend throughout the whole tour) and did a cool guitar solo. Then Nishiyama Takashi (the other guitar) said that when he first got the score for TNG he thought it stood for "Takashi Nishiyama Group". Lolx. Anyway he had us do "TNG" 3 times with body-alphabets. Ken☆Ken (drums) sang. I'm pretty sure he sang. To his drums. What song escapes me atm. It's a Sanhora song of course... A-chan (keyboard) did what he did in the Moira con... just that he jumped up again after that!

Then we move on to the singing members. They had to do whatever Heika asked them to do, poor things. Joelle was unfortunately (?) the first, and she was asked to sing something by Billy Joel (I think?) so she sang Lullaby. (Ok this is a person who don't listen to English songs typing.) Then it was KAORI, who was told to sing a song she likes recently, doesn't have to be Sanhora... she thought for quite a long time and sang a bit of... er. I think it was Ori no Naka no... Hana? Erm. My memory is pretty blurred. But cos she said it's a song that they haven't been singing, but Ori no Naka no Yuugi was sung quite a few times in this tour so... probably Hana? Oops. Seriously I tend to mix up these 2 songs. Following which came Azumi-maman probably. Probably. She was asked to sing any song (can be her own songs) WITHOUT GETTING THE LYRICS WRONG. Hahahaha Heika so mean... She sang Tonari no Totoro! Akio-san... was supposed to do a monomane. So he did a dog which sound really real... but Heika went on saying please do a monomane of a human. Audience (? or was it Heika): "Jack Bauer!" Akio-san tries but gives up, then complains how Riki-chan is a kouhai but is now really popular and selling really well (lolx). In the end he settled with this character (that I cannot catch who is it) who talks about... negi. As in spring onion. Anyway. I assume that it is a character he played? 物まねじゃないじゃんw Then was Kamon-kun (male dancer), who... sang. Should I even say sing lolx. He did this version of Sacrifice in 裏声 with this weird dance and anyway the whole thing was very very funny. 腹筋崩壊。ハードルあげすぎw 「人が一生懸命歌ってるのに笑うなんて 悪魔はあなたたちの方だ!」C&P. It was really funny trust me. The members laugh until fall onto the floor can. Heika: "When in trouble, look for Shimotsukin. I know she has a way to calm down the atmosphere." And she did this monomane of Jimang@the Russian billionaire LOLX. It was pretty cute actually. After which was probably YUUKI... and at this point of time Heika's mic died and he told her to dance until he comes back lolx. YUUKI: "But I was thinking of doing monomane of Crayon Shin-chan!" Oops lolx. She asked for ideas of what to dance. Marionette→Asa to Yoru no Monogatari (with KAORI). Next up was Kurinoko, where Heika asked her to sing any song while monomane-ing someone else. Heika: "Jの人とか。" Kurinoko: "Jの人?" Heika: "あの人はよくGの人と思われているらしいが、実はJの人" In the end she tried to monomane Heika but gave up half way. Last was ummm the female dancer... Her name was... something-hiro I think. Not very sure. (Ok Yokohiro-san. I checked.) I couldn't catch even though her name was called quite a few times. She had to dance to random words Heika says, which included a lot of maniac neta related to Yokohama Arena (ok I have no idea what most of them are about). There was this "改心の一撃" thing and I just googled and apparently it's from DQ4. Haha souka... I forgot when did Ike do his part (ok I think most of this is chronologically wrong), but he talked about how this is the second time he performed in Yokohama Arena, and 10+ years ago he was on stage with his own band, and that time he was the guitarist. So he played us a song from that time! And then Tabu-chan the sound manipulator played recorder. He played an intro to one of the songs. I can't remember which. Actually the first part I couldn't even recognize what song it is (there was probably a lot of parts wrong). The second part I realized what it is and now I forgot it again haha.

See this corner is way too long.

Last spurt: 終端の王と異世界の騎士-即ち…星間超トンネル-国歌

The King and The Endia... still a dire lack of REMI =((( Tunnel is tiring as always. I mean. You will be too busy with the actions to bother about the song. Really. Anthem... this is the first time we are singing it with the members ne. A new third part (why is this song getting longer and longer) with lyrics from the members... There is a commentary about it in the pamphlet just like the lyrics for Revive. The comments to ceui's part is interesting. Lolx. And I have to say sasuga Shimotsukin. Er I cannot remember the tune to the new part at all. Actually I still have no idea what ~tunnel sounds like after listening to it twice =.=

Heika's last message.

Last song sung by us only = Revive.

When it ended it was already nearly 10. o.O When I reached home it was nearly 12... Was very hungry lolx. Randomly I was pretty shocked to see quite a few kids (obviously primary school) at the concerts. And seemed to be there with their grandparents. @.@ Since when was Sanhora's fanbase so wide?? Lots of high school girls there in uniform I can still understand but... pri sch kids?? Apparently (4 of?) the child actors from Marchen con were at the live today too. Hmmm.

I say this every time, and it does happen every time, BUT THIS IS TAKING WAY TOO LONG. I think I've been at this for like 4 hours. Omg it's more than 3000 words... what kind of essay is this...

live, sound horizon

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