Title: Epic Sandwich Making by Tabz (sl_podcast) Characters/Pairing (if any) Shawn, Gus A/N: I don't own Psych, but I have owned a pineapple. Unfortunately, I ate it. Summary: Shawn is avoiding the inevitable...
Title The Day the Vikings Watched that One Show Author sl_podcast (aka Tabz) Rating G Word Count Prompt 223, Minor Character Free For All: Groupie (Sugarshock) Characters/Pairing (if any) Groupie, Dandelion, Wade A/N: Id' warn about crack, but it's Sugarshock... it's kind of a given.
After getting my edits from my professor I handed it back yesterday. We changed a couple more tiny things and it looks like I'm officially done
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You miss Serenity flying as much as we do? Want to lend your voice to help her fly again?
The good folks at Between the Lines Studios (who did Buffy and Angel Between the Lines) are looking for voices for their new audio drama based on Firefly.
Auditions are open from today until December 18th. You can read all about it at http://
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