Jul 06, 2006 07:18

OK folks, once again it's time to march out the slacken_ties rulebook. Please take a moment to reacquaint yourself with the laws of the land, as there have been some minor changes. (And this post is exempt from the lj-cut rule since it's a must-read for all members. :P)

1. Put long posts (especially with many pictures) and fics behind an LJ-cut. If you don't know how to do an LJ-cut, go here. Long posts not behind a cut will be rejected.

2. If your spelling is so atrocious and/or full of R@nD0M $yMb0|$ (that's "random symbols" for the non-|33+) that we find it difficult to read, your post will be rejected. LJ has a spell-check feature, so use it!

3. Don't be mean. It's a pretty vague rule, we realize, but we think the difference between poking fun and harassment is fairly clear. If we think you've crossed it, we won't hesitate to ban you. For instance, harassment: "This fic is seriously terrible. Please do us all a favor and leave." Poking fun: "This fic is seriously terrible. Please do us all a favor and leave.............. LOLZ! JK this fic is actually great!" Another one, poking fun: commenting to an entry with a picture of David Hasselhoff and an animated gif of Morrissey dancing gayly. Harassment: commenting to an entry with a picture of a decapitated Iraqi and an animated gif of goatse. Harassment also includes repeatedly replying to an entry (with spam) after the poster has asked you to stop. Simple, yes?!

4. Don't insult Franz Ferdinand or their families, friends, girlfriends, wives, or anybody else in their general social circle, unless it's obvious you're kidding. For instance, you can call Alex a buttface (not that it's that insulting), but you can't say he's fucking ugly and anybody who thinks he's attractive is a moron. And if you think the latter, why are you here???? You also can't imply that they are gay. LOLZ! Yeah right.

5. If you have any complaints regarding the way the community is being run or the actions of the mods, contact us through email and we'll try to address the problem to the best of our ability. You can contact queenpasiphae at, pygmalism at and libertinette at It's through your praise, complaints, and feedback that we are able to make [info]slacken_ties a better community.

6. If you feel your post has been wrongfully rejected, please contact queenpasiphae or pygmalism at the email addresses provided above. In the email, describe the topic of your post and explain why you think it shouldn't have been rejected.

7. If you see any of the rules being broken in the comments or are concerned about a flame war thread or other drama that took place on s_t, please let the mods know. We don't always catch everything.

8. If you are posting news, make sure it isn't old news. If you are sure it is NEW news, check the recent entries to make sure someone didn't beat you to it. If you are definitely the first on your block to hear about this fantastically new news, feel free to post! You may get rejected anyway if someone else has beaten you to it and their entry hadn't yet been approved when you checked the recent entries. The same goes for pictures - new pics only unless you've got a particular picspam theme in mind (remember Nickmas???). If you want to see and/or post pictures more often, join one of the photo-related affiliate communities.

9. No introductory posts whatsoever! And saying "hi I'm new, here's a picture so that this post isn't only an intro post" doesn't work! You can mention you're new as a footnote to a worthwhile entry, but not the other way around.

10. Don't post asking for new Franz-loving LJ friends. We have posts specifically for that and you can also socialize in the comments - it's kind of why they're there!

11. Don't post to tell us that your parakeet loves dancing to Franz Ferdinand or you saw a guy who wore the same kind of shirt as Alex or something like that. Ask yourself: is this about Franz Ferdinand, or is this about the inanities of my life? s_t members care about the former, your LJ friends care about the latter.

12. Promoting Franz-related communities is OK. Promoting other communities is not. Fairly simple!

13. Don't post saying that you've decided to leave the community for whatever reason. It's a cry for attention.

14. Every so often someone will post some Franz chibi dolls they made with some automated chibi maker website and then everyone goes and makes a million more like "this is what Nick would look like if he were a Japanese cartoon dalmatian isn't that cute lololol ^__^" and that gets really obnoxious. So basically if someone posts a piece of fanart and you make another piece of fanart that is closely related to that post, it belongs in the comments of that post. It does not warrant a post of its own. If someone sketches Alex and it inspires you to make a life-size model of Franz Ferdinand in clay, that's different enough to be posted separately.

15. Requests and questions: not allowed here. Go to franz_requests.

16. Your fic must have the following form filled out at the top of your post:

* Title: (the snappy phrase by which your illustrious work will be known throughout the ages!)
* Pairing: (if there is one)
* Rating: (see below)
* Writer: (if the answer isn't you, you shouldn't be posting it)
* Beta: (see below)
* Warnings: (only if necessary, like if you are writing about something which might squick other people out)

Then put an LJ-cut after the form, and put the fic under the cut.

Ratings: The rating system works as follows:

* G - no romance (as with some crack!fic)
* PG - only implied romance or very minimal contact (kissing)
* PG-13 - not quite smut but more graphic than PG (if you think your fic might be smutty, err on the side of caution and give it an R)
* R - smutty smut smut smut (graphic sex)

Betas: Your fic must be beta’d by someone other than yourself. Keep in mind that a beta is not merely a glorified spell-check! This page is a really great resource for both writers and potential betas which sheds more light on the purpose of a beta.

Also something you might want to include is a disclaimer that the story is fiction. We won't delete your fic if you don't have a disclaimer, but it's a good idea to tack one on, just in case.

17. Absolutely no fics involving rape, torture, incest, pedophilia, or another obvious taboo. Consensual sex between non-related adults only, thx. If you're not sure whether your fic crosses the line, either contact a mod before you submit it or submit it with a warning at the top and see if it's accepted.

18. Rules for fic challenge entries are exactly the same as above, but the post's title MUST! include the words "fic challenge." (Otherwise we’ll never find your entry in the sea of franztastic posts when it’s time to make the poll!) And it should, you know, fit with the month's challenge theme.

Fic challenges are posted at the beginning of each month. When the deadline is reached, a poll is posted so everyone can vote for their favorite fic as well as the theme for next month’s challenge. The winner and new challenge theme are posted at the beginning of the next month.

franz ferdinand - general

franz ferdinand - member-specific

franz ferdinand - fiction/rpg


websites: - the official site - the original franz fansite
the new scottish gentry - photo archive
italian fansite

subjugating the masses!, mod posts

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