Because the DYWT video premieres in the US tomorrow and because I like avoiding my homework, I made a few doodles in Photoshop and thought I would share them. They're in the same style as the comic from
this ancient post (though a bit messier), so, erm, even though the jokes are pretty bad, at least they're sorta cute!
So many distractions on the DYWT shoot! Really I just wanted to make Bob say "wanker."
Hahahaha! This made a lot more sense in my head. For those of you who are lost, instead of the four ladies clad in their underpants that do the kickline with them at the end, Alex wanted some dudes. And is kinda creepy about it.
I'll draw some more pictures once school settles down a bit. But I'm lovin' all these MSPaint creations and arts and crafts and things people have been making! Keep 'em up! :D