Apr 30, 2011 03:04
- 00:02:03: I wish I had a cool name like Andrew Lloyd Webber, But I'll settle for "Ozzy" Federline Egalitarian
- 00:13:38: A few minutes into tonight's episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm and I'm reminded that being kind to others never goes well
- 00:16:27: Congrats everyone. I'm going to bed. You're free of me! G'night
- 08:05:17: It's been a while for some of you, but I'm pretty sure basic algebra says when working out 6/2(1+2), you always begin with what's in the ()
- 08:12:12: Facebook, proving that out of 1,447,718 people, only 827,359 people can't do simple algebra. *high fives*
- 08:15:44: While the majority of the office is either looking at or discussing info about the #RoyalWedding, I'm staying responsible.Playing on Twitter
- 08:21:54: So apparently I was wrong in saying the vast majority of you are wrong. And they say we need better public schools. Psha, I am so smrt
- 08:25:21: So far the worst thing about this morning has been arguing over an algebra problem. Math, you're tearing me apart!
- 09:07:12: Every time I close my eyes, they refuse to open back up but instead play an elaborate movie that's a mashup of my reality. Weird #sleepy
- 09:58:53: Du are ma duntine, ma owny duntine. Du may me habby when dimes are day. Duel neber no dear ha mut I dube you, peas dot tay ma duntine abay
- 10:26:41: Due to some office position reshuffling there may be an open position where I work. Who wants to work with me, but never actually see me?
- 12:00:31: It's too bad you were all asleep last night while I was tweeting up a storm. Some of it might have even made you chuckle in disgust.
- 12:06:40: Every time I tweet with the word "You're" or "Your" I'm so scared I'll get it wrong and then the Twitter Grammar Police will bust me.
- 12:10:21: Boss really wants me to try this cafe that she said I could miss work in the morning to do so. I think this is called entrapment
- 12:20:03: I find closing your eyes, covering your ears and yelling "LALALALALA" is not the best way to avoid your problems.
- 12:21:59: I find there's more vulgar names describing women's genitalia then there are names for men's. But that may be because men's ARE vulgar.
- 12:50:15: You guys remember the song that used to play at the beginning of [Adult Swim] when it was elderly people swimming in a pool?It's used a lot?
- 14:30:31: 12 hours ago I was still up and talking with people. Now my brain is trying desperately to talk me into going to sleep & I might just let it
- 14:53:33: I'm the only person I know that can fall asleep listening to bass heavy, high tempo electronica/dance music.
- 14:57:00: I mean, can YOU sleep through this? Because I'm using it to stay awake and it's failing - http://tinysong.com/Avev
- 15:20:06: Remember kids, keep it classy
- 15:26:28: I've managed to keep myself awake still but as far as making sense, I can't promise anything.
- 15:39:37: Any of you lovely people want to gmail chat / gtalk with me in an attempt to keep me awake for another hour? #sleepy
- 23:14:18: It's Friday night! Let the partying begin! *sits down on his couch in the dark*
- 23:20:38: It still counts as a party if I'm listening to dance music in the dark while sipping on an Arnold Palmer, right?
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