Rept AR Divinity: im gonna write a poem cause i am uber board
Rept AR Divinity: you can listen
Rept AR Divinity: lol
Rept AR Divinity: board
JD i NAHH: lol ok
Rept AR Divinity: wtf
JD i NAHH: silly silly silly
Rept AR Divinity: Jenny is a very wonderful lady
Rept AR Divinity: She would bitch slap slim shady
Rept AR Divinity: she gave me a awesome little turtle
Rept AR Divinity: which i am not naming murtle
Rept AR Divinity: we invented caabatman one spring night
Rept AR Divinity: he can't fly a kite
Rept AR Divinity: but he'll fill you with fright
Rept AR Divinity: and beat you down with all his might
Rept AR Divinity: anyway back to my cute little jenny
Rept AR Divinity: i would rate her a perfect tenny