Title: A Man's Gotta Have His Pride
Author: Writin'Chica2K
Fandom: Canadian Idol 1
Pair: Ryan Malcolm/Gary Beals
Rating: Heavy PG13 for abusive situations
Disclaimer: People real, everything else fake
Team: Good ol' pink
Note: This drabble be basically an abridgement of my longer piece
False Idol (end shamless plug :D)
Gary can connect the lines from the scratches Ryan leaves to make geometric shapes. The dark bruises are so painful it sometimes hurts to walk. And there's damage in the mind, the kind from having every insult in the book hurled at you.
It's what he gets for being a stand-in for the only man Ryan wants but can't have.
But Gary can't tell anyone. People knowing he's gay would be bad enough, but being abused? He can't be man enough to fight back? And isn't an openly hurting man the worst sin?
He's gotta have his pride, after all.