Potterverse Quote Use Challenge
rules: you must use the quotes supplied
any pairing as long as it's slash
min of 250 words
max of 5000 words
challenge starts july 18th and runs til august 21
email entries to
ficchallenge@yahoo.com winners will be announces a week after the deadline @
slash challenges Catagories and their prizes are as follows:
Best Over All: 3 icons, a banner, and archived at Devilish intent
Best Quote Use: 1 icon, a banner, and archived at Devilish Intent
Best Fic: 1 icon, a banner and archived at Devilish Intent
Fluffiest: a banner and archived at Devilish Intent
Smuttiest: a banner and archived at Devilish Intent
Include the following:
Standard Disclaimer:
Warnings (if any):
Your story MUST be beta-ed. Stories with lots of spelling errors, bad grammar, etc. will be marked down. Find someone, ANYONE to read your story and edit it for you. One of our judges is extremely picky about this. Also include that your story has been written for The Potterverse Quote Use Challenge. That should also be your subject line when sending your fic in. If it's not, you will not be included in the contest, regardless the quality of your fic, because it will not be read.
Here are the quotes that you are to work with:
I laugh in the face of death...maybe not laugh more like a snicker...a quiet snicker, and I wouldn't do it directly in death's face so, it's more like a quiet snicker behind death's back. "
"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful! Hate me because....well....Okay!...Hate me because I'm beautiful!"
"I thought they made that idiotproof! Boy did you ever proove them wrong!!"
Happy writing! We're looking forward to your creative and interesting stories! Good luck and have fun! [x-posted everywhere]
Can I do this? Guess I'll find out.