Wow Tripper is my new favorite person. She's so fun and hilarious and the combination with djin is perfect. Also I am going to be so upset when I run out of South park fic. Thanks guys. Ruining me with new fandoms!
I feel like South Park doesn't get nearly as much attention as it should get in slash fandom. Perhaps as someone who values storytelling through comedy more than many other forms, I am biased in this opinion, but SP really has so much to offer in terms of the kind of stories you can tell with these characters that I feel like it's just a wasted opportunity
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I got a notification that I was mentioned and was really pleased to read this defense of the South Park fandom - it's a really good analysis of why the show is perfect for fic, and why I'm still writing in it after three years, though it's a very fic-light fandom (at least in proportion to the art). There's so much potential for both seriousness and whimsical stuff like getting Satan and the forces of evil involved, and I think it's my ideal canon in terms of strong relationships between the characters that would change and develop as they grew older, potential for surreal plotlines (like mpreg, ha, it's kind of canon, Kyle was sort of pregnant with the Antichrist on the show ... sort of), and all the gender identity fodder. It's also a show that doesn't romanticize any of its characters, so I think that lends toward both romanticizing them a bit more in fandom, for those of us who crave that, and prevents that kind of non-canon perspective from being too unrealistic or cheap, in the better fics
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