Apr 03, 1999 00:00
-won contract 11, pyon 02, royal 05, nyoron 12, mute 05, smoke 19 and massacre 18 in word scramble 13
-traded paper 14 for stray 08 with rhap_chan
-traded ugly 11 for stray 12 with thisisarisa
-traded cetra 10 for loveless 03 with othjess
-won automail 16, renegade 20 and contract 04 in freebies 14 (finally...o_o )
-traded pisces 03 for shy 15 with miken_chan
-traded dream 13 for avenger 08 with roydgriffin
-traded mask 14 for loveless 12 with cookie_pixie
-won pisces 18, tsukkomi 06, mizuiro 08 and membercard stamp in crossword 05
-won rough 07, iris 19 and chains 05 in lucky colors 17
-traded endless 06 for mako 16 with cookie_pixie
-traded auldrant 07 for mako 19 with kittycatmew
-exchanged 7 female stamps and 1 membercard stamp for shy 01/02/05/09/18/19/20 and membercard
-got mako 12, dawn 05, persona 08 and super 20 for donating timid 07 and flirt 15 to the character collection
-reached level 7 - got courage 05, kage 02, ugly 11, change 01 and change 03
-Mastered Shy - got klutz 20, deep 14, change 20 and male stamp
-traded cheer 04 for justice 07 with lucathia_rykatu
-traded guitar 19 for lovelss 16 with stillarium
-won costume 08 and sunflower 15 in quotable round 24
-won leader 16, paper 14, collection 02 and stray 20 in seiyuu guess 24
-won piano 15, science 10, brigade 06, mako 08 and yellow stamp in guess the song 13
-traded sniper 08 and digger 09 for god 14 and massacre 07 with thisisarisa
-traded deep 07 for change 12 with media_klepto
-traded artwork 20 and hitsuzen 06 for caged 14 and shy 16 with gatekeepers_21
-won data 18, trap 04, male stamp, female stamp and blue stamp in card match 14 + 15
-traded forehead 05 for loveless 11 with stillarium
-traded dream 16 for massacre 08 with roydgriffin
-won daijobu 16, research 17, violin 08, stalker 17, goggles 15, artwork 20, guitar 12, monokuro stamp and red stamp in a-maze-ing 07
-won subtext 02, yoyo 19, goggles 11 and daijobu 11 in spot the differences 14
-traded achoo 13 for hero 20 with lucathia_rykatu
-exchanged monokuro, pink and puzzle stamp for hero 01, vacation 05 and princess 16
-traded april 12 for loveless 09 with rhap_chan
-traded depressed 13 for kage 08 with kittycatmew
-won loveless 06, pink 02, meganekko 11, pisces 08, data 13 and yellow stamp in seiyuu guess 23
-won achoo 13, hitsuzen 06, digger 20, black 13 and april 12 in quotable round 23
-traded achoo 05 for thirteen 07 with lucathia_rykatu
-traded mask 05 for massacre 10 with cookie_pixie
-won collection 04, pisces 03, digger 16, flash 16 and female stamp in alphabetic order 05
-won massacre 05, mechanic 12, magenekko 13, negative 18, rebirth 19, sniper 08 and blue stamp in alphabetic order 06
-traded meganekko 20 and costume 13 for lazy 14 and god 04 with popsixx
-traded ultimate 10 and brother 13 for two rainbow stamps with media_klepto
-traded god 10 and 11 for mako 10 and change 18 with stillarium
-traded leader 03, digger 01 and guardian 08 for loveless 13, hero 12 and 17 with thisisarisa
-won costume 19, brother 12, journey 16, tongari 11 and female stamp in spot the differences 13
-traded dream 08 for medic 03 with roydgriffin
-traded lovers 13 and 19 for hero 09 and massacre 06 with kittycatmew
-traded hero 11 and god 03 for lightning 19 and masamune 12 with stillarium
-traded letter 11 for avenger 04 with rhap_chan
-won prodigy 01 and sunflower 16 in word scramble 11
-traded sniper 10 and 19 for costume 11 and hitsuzen 10 with thisisarisa
-won female stamp in character collection 03
-traded depressed 07 for god 10 with kittycatmew
-received justice 10, leader 11, arbiter 04, eggplant 16, riceball 06, thirteen 19, wingly 03, officer 01 and 2 rainbow stamps for donating deck images (for decks 'Bishounen' and 'Sage')
-traded pisces 12 for thirteen 13 with chikky2k5
-traded arbiter 04 for loveless 10 with replica
-traded flash 11 for mako 04 with miken_chan
-traded light 06 and light 14 for mask 05 and flash 06 with roydgriffin
-won nullify 02, limitless 20 and brother 13 in lucky colors 15
-traded god 19 for massacre 20 with stillarium
-traded club 01 and nurse 12 for loveless 14 and masamune 14 with cookie_pixie
-traded tsukkomi 20 for hero 13 with popsixx
-traded lovers 17 for hero 11 with kittycatmew
-won prosecute 10, hero 11, collection 15 and female stamp in guess the song 12
-won achoo 05, endless 09 and control 12 in seiyuu guess 22
-won princess 19, meganekko 20 and costume 13 in quotables 22
-traded green stamp for purple stamp with roydgriffin
-traded avenger 08 and 10 for lazy 10 and masamune 06 with stillarium
-won ultimate 10, vacation 18 and endless 06 in costume round 20
-mastered Dance! - got loyal 10, normal 14, lightning 06 and female stamp
-traded bycicle 11 for thirteen 15 with lucathia_rykatu
-traded normal 14 for change 10 with kittycatmew
-traded artwork 14 and katz 03 for massacre 14 and masamune 04 with gatekeepers_21
-traded persocom 02 for shy 13 with rhap_chan
-traded god 17 for massacre 01 with stillarium
-won mask 14, pink 03, green 15, elegant 02, rebirth 13 and green stamp in alphabetic order 04
-traded automail 11 for change 14 with himochikouen
-got lightning 03 as a gift from replica <3
-won persocom 02, chains 08, brother 04, parasol 18 and green stamp in spot the differences 12
-won lovers 19, green 11, white 09, katz 03 and paper 08 in word scramble 10
-traded endless 14, hauu 11and hauu 16 for piano 08, kage 09 and massacre 13 with cookie_pixie
-traded piano 08 for thirteen 10 with kittycatmew
-traded guardian 11 for mizuiro 19 with thisisaria
-traded angel 08 for dance 15 with chikky2k5
-traded memory 19 and shadows 03 for mako 08 and god 02 with lucathia_rykatu
-won medic 16 and tsukkomi 20 in quotable round 20
-traded god 04 and justice 11 for lightning 17 and loveless 05 with stillarium
-won pink stamp in lucky colors 14
-donated nurse 05 and got april 05 and usoda 17 in character collection 03
-exchanged 4 purple stamps for kuroneko 04, 06, 10 and 16
-mastered Medicine! - got inorganic 01, talent 10, dance 03 and pink stamp
-mastered Kuroneko! - got smoke 01, hauu 11, dance 10 and blue stamp
-traded winter 14 for dance 07 with teagueful
-traded data 13, klutz 19, persocom 10 and broke 10 for god 06, god 17, lazy 03 and hero 16
-traded memory 14 for cello 11 with lucathia_rykatu
-traded cetra 07 and transfer 16 for normal 20 and objection 19 with cookie_pixie
-traded pyon 20 for justice 12 with replica
-traded goggles 14, red 09, collar 11, mages 15 and membercard for avenger 08, god 13, lightning 01, thirteen 11 and membercard with media_klepto
-traded cello 11, objection 19 and membercard for massacre 19, kage 01 and membercard with kittycatmew
-won massacre 18, automail 11, kurain 03, artwork 14 and male stamp from spot the differences 11
-won pink 20, normal 06 in word scramble 09
-won deep 07, flash 11, red 09 and purple stamp in distorted round 19
-won potential 06, god 04, otaku 14 and yellow stamp in distorted round 18
-won red stamp in lucky colors 13
-won lovers 07, automail 16, letter 02, spy 05, shy 06 and rainbow choice stamp in word search 17
-traded in double 03, light 03. light 10, lucky 01, iris 10, hauu 02, dragon 06, dragon 16, friend 09 and future 13 for 2 membercards, negative 13, trumpet 16, control 04, dream 16, april 01, hero 14 at the trade shop
-claimed trumpet 13, caged 17, caged 18, guardian 11, nurse 05 and nurse 11 at the card claim
-traded automail 02 and research 04 for lazy 15 and kuroneko 15 with chikky2k5
-traded ariadoney 05 and royal 14 for kage 10 and shy 07 with amewarashi
-traded potential 17 for kuroneko 05 with alequinn_sedai
-traded arbiter 18 for hero 07 with replica
-traded automail 01, automail 16 and control 04 for kage 05, lazy 16 and shy 04 with chikky2k5
-won pyon 20, chains 16, riceball 14 and red stamp from costume round 19
-traded otaku 14 and april 01 for lazy 13 and lightning 10 with gatekeepers_21
-traded negative 13 and trumpet 16 for mako 15 and hero 18 with kittycatmew
-traded judement 04 for medicine 15 with miken_chan
-traded tiara 06 for masamune 20 with cookie_pixie
-traded justice 05 and avenger 02 for change 02 and shy 08 with stillarium
-traded data 19 for masamune 19 with gatekeepers_21
-traded auldrant 06 and 17 for change 08 and 13 with lucathia_rykatu
-won loveless 19 and invention 09 for donating cannon 19 to the character collection 03
-traded otaku 01, data 15, talent 04 for mako 12, avenger 02 and chains 12 with gatekeepers_21
-traded journey 15 for hero 19 with kittycatmew
-won shadows 07, piano 19, lazy 19, persocom 10, riceball 04, truth 10, data 19 and male stamp from alphabetic order 03
-won mallet 05, reject 08, ugly 18, thirteen 01, tiara 06, broke 10, klutz 19 and monochrome stamp from a-maze-ing 06
-traded siberian 04 for cello 01 with stillarium
-traded ugly 18 for masamune 02 with alequinn_sedai
-traded piano 19 for kage 07 with kittycatmew
-traded gotei 05 for masamune 01 with gatekeepers_21
-traded cello 01 for change 06 with kittycatmew
-won auldrant 06, endless 14 in quotable round 20
-won medic 15, chains 11, royal 14 in seiyuu guess round 20
-won ariadoney 05, potential 17, kuroneko 02 and puzzle stamp in guess the song 11
-won limitless 02 and trap 05 in card match 11
-traded auldrant 09 for god 19 with lucathia_rykatu
-won amulet 04, demon 07, science 03, cannon 19 and fist 14 in word scramble 08
-reached level 06! - got kurosuke 01, letter 07, calm 04, dance 05 and dance 17
-mastered control! - got panther 12, automail 02, medicine 09 and puzzle stamp
-traded demon 07 for justice 19 with cookie_pixie
-traded amulet 07, amulet 19 and wingly 08 for thirteen 18, god 15 and hero 08 with replica
-traded mizuiro 16 for masamune 13 with skittleytemple
-donated nurse 06 and 12 and won data 13, brigade 02, klutz 06, copy 11 in character collection 03
-donated princess 02 and won cetra 13, ariadoney 02, choice stamp, female choice stamp and male choice stamp in character collection 02
-won potential 11, eggplant 07 and otaku 01 in skitty round 16
-won goggles 14, shy 12 and change 07 in lucky colors 12
-traded eggplant 07, cetra 13 and copy 11 for kage 17, mako 20 and thirteen 20 with cookie_pixie
-exchanged 5x purple stamps for control 04, 10, 14, 15, 20
-traded trash 06 for dance 12 with chikky2k5
-won cetra 07, cetra 10 and smoke 12 in costume round 18
-traded medic 04 for justice 20 with lucathia_rykatu
-traded serum 05 for shy 10 with notterequiem
-traded cetra 10 for mako 20 with cookie_pixie
-traded collar 02 and collar 07 for dance 13 and justice 18 with media_klepto
-traded journey 09 for god 11 with himochikouen
-traded positive 09 for god 08 with kittycatmew
-traded data 17 and sunflower 01 for kage 06 and masamune 07 with gatekeepers_21
-traded armor 03, armor 12, renegade 12, master 10, pyon 15 and hat 08 for hero 06, shy 17 and 4x purple stamps with replica
-traded demon04, persona12 and persona16 for lightning11, shy03 and shy11 with cookie_pixie
-traded science 20 for lazy 12 with amewarashi
-mastered armor! - got manikatti 19, officer 14, ainu 04 and red choice stamp
-mastered ainu! - got pyon 19, iris 10, medicine 14 and green choice stamp
-mastered tongari! - got identity 13, tongari 04, medicine 20 and female stamp
-won bicycle 11 and data 15 in quotables 19
-traded journey 05 and trumpet 08 for change 04 and justice 10 with kittycatmew
-took thirteen 09, change 17, mako 07, hero 05, loveless 17, kage 02, lightning 12, massacre 16, avenger 03, god 05, justice 11 and lazy 07 from announcement 05
-won judge 12 and trash 06 in card match 10
-traded hat 04 for justice 17 with amewarashi
-traded black 04, judge 11, judge 12 and tiara 18 for masamune 03 / 08 / 10 and thirteen 16 with cookie_pixie
-traded science 06 for justice 05 with popsixx
-traded automail 06 for avenger 10 with replica
-exchanged 2x blue stamps for ainu 13 and 16, 3x red stamps + 1x male stamp for tongari 02 / 09 / 13 and 16
-traded cello 13 for cetra 10 with kittycatmew
-won persona 12, gotei 05, sun 10, smile 18, lightning 05 and blue stamp in alphabetic order 02
-traded laptop 16 for mako 13 with rhap_chan
-traded sun 10 for massacre 11 with kittycatmew
-traded contract 14 for lightning 18 with alequinn_sedai
-won shy 14, science 20, trap 17, positive 09, medic 04 and 1 choice stamp in word search 16
-won massacre 15, mizuiro 16, manikatti 10 and puzzle stamp in creature round 09
-won forehead 10, judgement 20 and club 01 in costume round 17
-mastered mix! - got rebirth 12, master 06, ainu 19 and monochrome stamp
-won spy 20, sun 11, fist 08 and green stamp in distorted 09
-traded treasure 16, memberstamp and pink stamp for kuroneko 18, memberstamp and monochrome stamp with rhap-chan
-traded mentor 14 for dance 09 with kittycatmew
-traded dawn 09 for stray 06 with popsixx
-traded control 16 for medicine 11 with alequinn_sedai
-won control 16, usoda 12, mako 02, chains 07, data 17, avenger 16, persona 16 and blue stamp in a-maze-ing 05
-won siberian 04, science 16 and blue stamp in guess the song 10
-won cello 13 and masamune 08 in quotables 18
-won sunflower 01, change 11 and kage 15 in seiyuu guess 18
-won stalker 18, bycicle 15, talent 04, cheer 04 and male stamp spot the differences 10
-traded yoyo 17 for massacre 17 with lucathia_rykatu
-traded sun 11 for lazy 09 with kittycatmew
-exchanged 1 membercard stamp, 1 female stamp and 2 monochrome stamps for mix 07, armor 05, 09 and membercard
-won kuroneko 01, smoke 07, dawn 09, pyon 05 and pink stamp in spot the differences 09
-traded control 11 for tongari 15 with alequinn_sedai
-traded katz 05, katz 11 and nyoron 17 for scruffy 01, kuroneko 14 and dowser 13 with gatekeepers_21
-traded courage 07 for kuroneko 20 with cookie_pixie
-traded persona 14, 17 and courage 16 for control 11, kuroneko 07 and kuroneko 17 with kittycatmew
-claimed auldrant 07, awakening 15 and iris 20 at the card claim
-won pisces 12, hauu 16 and purple stamp in find the skitty 15
-won choice stamp in lucky colors 11
-traded pisces 20 and identity 02 for control 03 and 08 with miken_chan
-traded rebirth 05 for control 13 with cookie_pixie
-won dance 01, rookie 16, white 12 and monochrome stamp in alphabetic order 01
-won rough 11, courage 16, chosen 08 and pink stamp in distorted 16
-traded chosen 03 and mute 08 for dance 11 and control 19 with demyx
-won arbiter 08, friend 09, courage 07, nyoron 17 and male stamp in spot the differences 08
-won kuroneko 13, yoyo 17 in quotables 17
-won flirt 15, mentor 14, training 20 in seiyuu guess 17
-won control 11, katz 11, katz 05, smoke 09, demon 04 in word search 15
-traded yoyo 13 and forehead 08 for dance 04 and 16 with lucathia_rykatu
-exchanged digger 01 and wisdom 14 for light 10 and cannon 06 at the trade shop
-claimed medicine 02, mute 08, speed 03, collar 07, collar 12 and dream 08 from the card claim
✩ 05/14:
-won howl 15, kharlan 16, smoke 11 and red stamp in distorted 15
-LEVEL 5 - got double 03, flower 14, iris 10, mix 02 and armor 07
-traded dawn 08, super 04 and super 12 for dance 06, dance 20 and trash 18 with popsixx
-traded persona 05 and 09 for armor 04 and control 16 with kittycatmew
✩ 05/13:
-won laptop 10, caged 13 and puzzle stamp in find skitty round 09
-won tiara 18, yoyo 13 and winter 14 in find skitty round 14
-won mechanic 09, hat 08, trash 07, blue stamp and male stamp in find skitty round 08
-won rainbow stamp in lucky colors 10
-donated princess 01 to the character collection and got journey 15 and forehead 08
-won collection 18, yoyo 10, hat 04, vacation 19, kuroneko 19, crystal 14 and green stamp in word search 14
-won whip 12, dance 19, collar 02, journey 10, puppet 08, white 20, depressed 13 and green stamp in a-maze-ing 04
✩ 05/12:
-traded super 02 for medicine 08 with popsixx
-traded loyal 12, 13 and pisces 16, 17 for mix 11, medicine 16, tongari 17 and control 12
-won tiara 10 and hat 06 in card match 07
-donated princess 03 and 11 to the character collection and got guardian 11, auldrant 17, armor 03 and kuroneko 11
✩ 05/11:
-traded mentor 11, scruffy 14, journey 12 and courage 19 for mix 18, medicine 01, 07 and 19 with amewarashi
✩ 05/10:
-won master 05, renegade 12, smile 10, small 14 and puzzle stamp in spot the differences 07
-won angel 08, mechanic 04 and iris 02 in seiyuu guess 16
-won control 17, black 04 in quotable 16
-won shadows 17, gotei 07, courage 17 and purple stamp in guess the song 09
-traded heaven 08 for mix 19 with cookie_pixie
✩ 05/08:
-traded super 16 for bear 14 with rhap-chan
-traded letter 04 and awakening 20 for medicine 03 and 10 with demyx
✩ 05/07:
-won noble 13, chosen 03, transfer 16 and contract 18 in spot the differences 06
✩ 05/06:
-won mentor 11, guitar 19, memory 01 and green stamp in distorted 14
-won automail 06 and male stamp in a-maze-ing 03
-traded super 08 for amor 13 with media_klepto
-traded control 13 for tongari 08 with gatekeepers_21
-traded collection 06, collection 15 and whip 16 for tongari 03, mix 15 and mix 17 with duo_aurion
✩ 05/05:
-won monochrome stamp in distorted 13
-won medicine 04, journey 12, small 10 in lucky colors 09
-won smoke 01, speed 09 and monochrome stamp in lucky colors 08
-won timid 07, rough 08, medicine 06, princess 01 and forehead 05 in wordsearch 13
-won kuroneko 08, amulet 19 and treasure 10 in guess the costume 14
-won cannon 11, lovers 13 and whirlwind 08 in seiyuu guess 15
-won princess 02 and sniper 10 in quotable round 15
-traded forehead 01 for ainu 12 with lucathia_rykatu
-traded mentor 06 and 16 for medicine 13 and 18 with kittycatmew
✩ 05/01:
-Mastered Automail: got colonel 07, letter 11, armor 10 and male choice stamp
04/30: traded coffee 16, coffee 18 and bracelet 13 for dance 02, caged 06 and mentor 16 with stillarium, traded hauu 08 and amulet 06 for mix 14 and tongari 05 with demyx
04/29: traded gotei 13 and nyoron 12 for mix 20 and armor 15 with gatekeepers_21, won master 10, arbiter 01, elegant 11 in distorted 13, won persona 05, rakuen 17, bracelet 13, smoke 15 and journey 09 in wordsearch 12, traded officer 03 for tongari 14 with himochikouen
04/28: won tongari 07, wingly 08, chosen 16 and purple stamp in creature 07, claimed mix 05, nyoron 12 and rakuen 20 at the card claim, traded arbiter 06 and 11 + membercard for mix 04 and 09 + membercard with cookie_pixie, traded membercards with chikky2k5, traded violin 05 for mix 06 with kittycatmew
04/27: traded collection 03 for armor 14 with media_klepto, won super 20, tulip 11, smile 19, digger 01 and blue stamp in spot the differences 05, won control 09, violin 05 , super 16, judgement 01, lovers 17, coffee 16 and medicine 17 in a-maze-ing 03, traded pyon 18 and 2 pink stamps for mix 08 and 2 red stamps with skittlestemple
04/26: traded in dowser 14, training 20 and rebirth 05 for 5 copies of my membercard, won violin 09 and pisces 20 in quotables 14, won spiral 18, judgement 04, flirt 20, parasol 08, persona 14, judge 11 and pink choice stamp (-.-) in guess the song 08, received collection 03, laptop 02, mentor 06, awakening 06 and rainbow choice stamp for donating deck images, traded in 2 red choice stamps and 1 male choice stamp for automail 05, 16 and 18 at the stamp exchange, traded reseach 06 for mix 16 with lysberries, traded judgement 08 for mix 03 with replica, traded membercards with lucathia_rykatu, traded membercards with stillarium, traded bracelet 15 for control 05 with stillarium, traded hauu 04 for mix 13 with chikky2k5
04/23: won automail 01, speed 19, timid 13 and yellow stamp in distorted 12, won dawn 08, dance 18, subtext 01, future 13 in guess the anime 12, won pyon 18, bear 03 in freebies 13, won gotei 13, crystal 11, sniper 19 in guess the anime 13, traded mentor 05 and mentor 08 for control 06 and mix 01 with popsixx, traded courage 19 and caged 03 for armor 03 and tongari 04 with cookie_pixie, traded noble 12, 16 and pisces 10 - ainu 18, control 02 and control 07 with miken_chan, traded yellow stamp - rainbow stamp with lucathia_rykatu
04/22: won tongari 12, collection 15, hauu 02 in costume 12, won tongari 19, amulet 07, wisdom 14, subtext 11, collection 06, awakening 20, guitar 09 + green stamp in spot the differences 04
04/19: traded parasol 08 and parasol 11 for automail 07 and tongari 01 with media_klepto, traded 2 green stamps and future 12 for 2 choice stamps and princess 11 with lucathia_rykatu
04/18: won mix 12 and bracelet 15 in quotables 13, won control 13, wisdom 20 and mentor 05 in seiyuu guess 13, traded control 11 for a red stamp with gatekeepers_21, won letter 04, tongari 10, hauu 08, nurse 12 and howl 18 in word search 11
04/17: Mastered Dawn - got light 14, identity 02, keyblade 03 and pink choice stamp (AGAIN), Mastered Obsessed - got guardian 08, wisdom 14, keyblade 18 and red choice stamp, Mastered Keyblade - got noble 16, memory 14, automail 03 and puzzle choice stamp, claimed tongari 06, leader 03 and control 18 at the card claim, traded scruffy 07 - tongari 18 with popsixx, reached level 4 - got automail 06, persona 09 and serum 13
04/16: traded guardian 18 + whirlwind 03 - obsessed 16 + 19 with chikky2k5, won bracelet 04 and trumpet 04 in freebies 12, won forehead 01 in guess the videogame - minigame. won princess 03, sniper 02, contract 14 + green choice stamp in distorted 11, traded heal 01, heal 08, mix 05, small 19, rakuen 05, bracelet 04 and obsessed 19 at the trade shop for obsessed 17, super 12, auldrant 09, dowser 05, rakuen 06 and ainu 11
04/15: traded double 04 - dawn 20 with replica, traded endless 20 and arbiter 05 - obsessed 08 and ainu 14 with demyx, traded hat 14 - obsessed 15 with kittycatmew. stamp exchange: 3 male choice stams and 3 monokuro stamps for dawn 10, 15, 16 + 19 and obsessed 01 + 19
04/14: won tongari 11, arbiter 06 and hat 14 in guess the costume 11, traded control 11 + automail 19 for keyblade 13 + obsessed 14 with stillarium, traded master 17 - armor 08 with glorious, gave puppet 15 to media_klepto
04/12: traded spiral 18 - automail 09 with cakemix, won control 11 + whirlwind 03 in seiyuu guess 12, won double 04, wisdom 08, depressed 07 + pink stamp (WHY DO I KEEP GETTING THESE?) in guess the song 07, won future 12 + dream 19 in quotables 12
04/11: won mages 12, puppet 15, armor 12 + whip 16 in guess the anime 11
04/10: traded forehead 20 - armor 18 with amewarashi, gave double 09 to replica, won 1 coice stamp, endless 20 + caged 03 in a-maze-ing 02, traded princess 11 - obsessed 10 with popsixx, gave winter 16 to stillarium, won keyblade 10, automail 19, control 11, whip 16, parasol 08 + female choice stamp in word search 10
04/09: won pyon 15, research 01, noble 12, double 09 + green choice stamp in pass the pigs 04, traded control 10 - forehead 20 with stillarium, mastered switch: stray 16, katz 16, keyblade 10 + monochrome choice stamp, mastered switch: laptop 16, amulet 10, keyblade 20 + violet choice stamp, won loyal 19, spiral 18, daijobu 14 + pisces 10 in spot the differences 03
04/08: traded female choice stamp for a male choice stamp with skittlestemple, dragon 09 - obsessed 02 with lucathia_rykatu, won medicine 05, control 10, amulet 06, lucky 20 and puppet 07 in guess the game 7, traded leader 07 + leader 20 - armor 06 + armor 12 with chikky2k5, claimed princess 11, dance 14 + obsessed 05 at the card claim
04/07: traded bracelet 14 + winter 09 - obessed 04 + obsessed 11 with stillarium, tiara 01 - ainu 15 with lucathia_rykatu, white 04 - keyblade 07 with cakemix, barrel 09 - winter 16 with melting. won eggplant 18, guitar 12, small 19 + monochrome choice stamp in distorted 10, won mentor 08, arbiter 11 + dragon 09 in guess the costume 10, won ainu 01, hint 01, medicine 12 + hauu 19 in freebies 11, traded vacation 04 - dawn 02 with rhap_chan, guitar 12 - armor 16 with amewarashi, hauu 19 - ainu 08 with demyx, won treasure 16, courage 19, elegant 08, loyal 12, trumpet 10 + coffee 18 in spot the differences 02
04/05: traded dance 10 - obsessed 09 with gatekeepers_21, flirt 17 + trash 14 - automail 01 + automail 02 with chikky2k5, deep 08, deep 15, courage 10, colonel 02, colonel 19 - tongari 20, bracelet 14, obsessed 03, obsessed 07, obsessed 13 with cookie_pixie, amulet 10 - dawn 05 with demyx, Stamp Exchange: club 05 / 09 / 10 / 16/ 17, switch 08/ 14 / 17 - 4x 1 choice stamps, 1x 2 choice stamp, 1x female choice stamp and 1x green choice stamp
04/04: traded hat 19, guitar 03, forehead 07, forehead 11 - automail 11, automail 13, armor 17, keyblade 05 with amewarashi, won smile 11, deep 15 + female choice stamp in seiyuu guess 11, won dance 10 + courage 10 in quotables 11
04/03: won katz 12, shadows 03, scruffy 03, guitar 03, guardian 14 + pink choice stamp in wordsearch 09, traded smile 19 - dawn 18 with miken_chan, cage 04, lucky 07 + paper 09 - dawn 12, keyblade 15 + armor 20 with cookie_pixie
04/02: traded speed 19 + tiara 04 - dawn 14 + automail 12 with kittycatmew, managed to find last mistake on spot the differences and got dawn 06 and caged 04, LEVEL UP: keyblade 04, rebirth 05 + kuroneko 03, gave armor 11 to stillarium
04/01: won dawn 08, armor 11, ainu 05 + heaven 06 (freebies 10, guess the anime 10), traded parasol 12 - dawn 09 with popsixx, 2 pink choice stamps - ainu 03 + automail 08 with lysberries, tulip 06 - dawn 04 with cakemix, won arbiter 05 + tiara 04 (filled out lysberries' poll), traded tenken 14, shadows 02, identity 17, dream 03, jump 14, hint 08 + 16 - ainu 02, 06, 07, 09, 10, 17 + 20 with lucathia_rykatu, claimed collar 11, heaven 08 + scruffy 07 at the card claim
03/31: Traded crystal 12 for media_klepto's dawn 11, won paper 09, bear 13, dance 08, forehead 11, guilty 15, scruffy 14, tenken 14, winter 09 (spot the difference 01, guess the costume 09), leader 20, master 17, parasol 12, research 06, trash 14, amulet 10, digger 01, forehead 07, hat 19, kuroneko 12 + 3x 1 choice stamp (creature 05, attack 05, distorted 09), traded double 18 + 20 for keyblade 02 + 14 with replica
03/30: Traded: research 14 for lysberrie's keyblade 08, mute 14 + smoke 09 for mosquetera's keyblade 09 + automail 10, mentor 19 for duo_aurion's keyblade 12, gotei 01 + demon 17 for popsixx' keyblade 01+06, contract 04 for gatekeeper's keyblade 19 (o_O that's a lot of keyblades for today!)
03/29: Won: demon 17, barrel 09, barrel 14, automail 20, heal 01, speed 19, jump 14, research 04, trumpet 18, valkyrie 20 (pass the pigs 03, a-maze-ing 01, quotable 10), contract 04, lucky 07, flirt 17 (guess the seiyuu 10), pink choice stampt, tiara 01, smoke 01, deep 08 (guess the song 06) Traded: future 02 for lucathia's keyblade 11, courage 17 for cookie_pixie's automail 15
03/27: Won: dream 01, renegade 01, super 04, pisces 17, hint 08 + female choice stamp (boring word search 08)
03/24: Won: 2 choice stamp, pink choice stamp, hauu 04, dragon 06, digger 08, loyal 13, mentor 19, double 18, mages 15, light 06, journey 05, officer 03, hint 16, guitar 17, colonel 02 (Special Word Search, Distorted 08), obsessed 06, winlgy 05 + vacation 04 (card claim), received switch 07, club 03, mute 14, lucky 01, obsessed 20, persona 17, super 08. pisces 15, research 14 and smile 19 for donating 2 sets of images for decks "change" and "justice", got club 13, judgement 08 and crystal 12 for reaching level 2, keyblade 16, memory 19 and parasol 11 (costume 08) , Traded: daijobu 02 for demyx' switch 04, rebirth 02-04 @trade shop for gotei 01, heal 08 and dragon 16, forehead 18 for kittycatmew's switch 03, vacation 16 for rhap_chan's automail 14, guitar 17 for kittycatmew's dawn 03, flower 09 for cookie_pixie's dawn 07
03/22: Traded: kurosuke 04 for lucathia's automail 04, judge 08 for melting's club 02
03/21: Won: club 07, control 01, judge 08, leader 07, kurosuke 04, forehead 18, identity 17 (freebie 9, seiyuu 09, qoutable 09)
03/20 Won: vacation 16 + automail 19 (quotables 08)
03/19: Traded: speed 20 for lucathia's armor 02, gotei 04 for miken_chan's dawn 01, wisdom 05 for media_klepto's armor 01, black 13 for skittlestemple's control 06, control 06 for stillarium's hunt 09
03/18: Traded: pisces 02 and guitar 08 for stillarium's club 15 and 20, inorganic 16 for media_klepto's switch 06, judge 02 for melting's club 18, eggplant 06 for jadax' switch 10, chosen 14 for demyx' endless 08, courage 02 + rough 11 for duo_aurion's switch 16 + wisdom 05, deep 18 for stillarium's armor 11, Won: endless 06, rebirth 02 + 03 (level up), dawn 13, white 04 + obsessed 12 (find skitty 7), nurse 06, guardian 18 and obsessed 18 (card claim), Stamps: exchanged 2x 1 choice stamps and 1x blue choice stamp for endless 11, endless 15 and endless 17 (nipaa~) Mastered Endless: switch 19, club 11, serum 05, courage 17 + kuroneko 09
03/17: Won: princess 04, shadows 02 + rough 11 (lucky colors 07), member card stamp (lucky colors 06), blue and monochrome color stamps (late update freebies), dream 13, deep 18, eggplant 06 + male choice stamp (distorted 7), inorganic 16, courage 09 + male choice stamp (guess the attack 4), auldrant 13, daijoubu 02, heal 06, mages 17, panther 13 + green choice card (word search 6), double 20, princess 13, switch 05, future 02 + 1 choice stamp (word scramble 4(?) ), new decks freebies: automail 17, armor 19, stray 18, dawn 18, keyblade 17, control 05, pisces 02, courage 02, guitar 08 + puzzle choice stamp, Traded: princess 04 + princess 13 for stillarium's switch 20 + club 01, heal 06 for lysberries' endless 19, trade 07 for Lucathia's switch 01, scar 20, spiral 01 + auldrant 13 for lysberries' club 06, switch 15 + switch 18, courage 09 for cookie_pixie's club 12, control 05 for stillarium's club 08
03/16: Traded: whirlwind 02 for media_klepto's endless 16, Won: spiral 01, inorganic 05, light 03 + 1 choice stamp (costume 07)
03/15: Won: Mix 05, Dance 16, Mages 01 (seiyuu), male choice stamp, Switch 11, Winter 12 and Flower 09 (2nd song), Switch 12, Speed 20 (freebies), tulip 06 and judge 02 (anime), Traded: Dance 16, Winter 12 + Crystal 09 for stillarium's Endless 09 , Chosen 14+ Switch 13
03/11: Traded: Mercenary 06 for Endless 14 with duo (duo_aurion)
03/10: Traded: Cannon 12 for Lyberries' Endless 10, Chosen 01 for Demyx' Elegant 20, Flower 02 for cookie_pixie's Endless 18
Judge 13 and Elegant 20 for melting's Endless 03 + endless 05, Won: Judge 13, Rebirth 04 + male choice stamp (game)
03/09: Won Crystal 09, Club 04, Mercenary 06 and Gotei 04 (seiyuu, quote), claimed Club 14, Switch 02 + 09, Black 13, Renegade 01, Dowser 14, Colonel 19 + Chosen 01 + 1 Choice Card in Word Search, Flower 02, Mages 09 + Training 20 in Distorted, Traded my Tongari 03 for Tristan's (himochikouen) Endless 13, my Nurse 07 + Tulip 13 for jadax' Endless 01 + Endless 07
03/07: Got Tongari 03, Mix 10 and Heal 08 gor guessing the anime, Traded my Heal 08 for melting's Endless 02
03/06: Won 2 random cards Endless 20 and Rakuen 05 in Seiyuu Guess Round 06, got freebies Club 19 and Scar 20
03/05: Got starter cards Cannon 12, Nurse 07, Scar 03 + 16. Trash 07 and Endless 04 + endless 12, Got 2 random cards Tulip 13 and Whirlwind 02 :