Canon Character Application
Player Name: Rae
Player LJ:
aircrashPlayer Instant Messenger Type and Handle: AIM - haunted jam jar
Player Email: marbleandstone [at]
Player is over 16 years of age, Y/N?: Yeeeeeep.
Character: Luki
Fandom: DOGS: Bullets & Carnage [manga; after chapter 27ish]
Personality/Appearance: Luki’s personality can be summed up with two very distinct terms - cute and psychotic.
On the side of cute, there’s the fact that Luki is a child - probably no more than 12 or 13 years old, and in some mental aspects, likely younger still. She’s downright bubbly, easily delighted by simple things; Luki enjoys playing, and seems to make a game out of just about anything and everything. She assigns endearing nicknames (“big bro” and “big sis” being most common) to her “playmates,” and she’s as close to what can be described as “loving” to her twin sister, Noki.
On the side of psychotic, however, there’s the fact that Luki is a ruthless killer. She’s been trained as a living weapon, modified with Angelica Einstellsehn’s “Kerberos spine” to be nearly invulnerable (though not entirely - one good crushing blow to the head will do the trick). Luki still breaks and bleeds just like anyone else, but the difference is her enhanced regenerative abilities fix everything up inhumanly quick. Luki is also faster, stronger, and more agile than any normal girl should be, thanks to the genetic modifications.
Luki also possesses very little resembling either a moral compass or impulse restraint - which, with her modifications, makes for a deadly combination, presumably just as intended. Knives are her specialty - perhaps the most notable of Luki's modifications is that her left right arm IDK, it's shown both ways in the manga /o\ transforms into one giant combat knife, which she wields with a fair amount of expertise and a certain vicious pleasure. She also carries a few smaller throwing knives.
Her knives are one thing that differentiates Luki from her twin, Noki, who uses a gun instead. Luki also seems to be a little more aggressive than Noki - she’s often shown to be first of the twins to speak, and seems to act as the leader of the two, at times. Her outfits are more predominantly black than pink, which - along with her heterochromatic eyes - presents the image of something akin to a photographic negative of her sister’s appearance.
Luki likes pasta, coloring and drawing, running, jumping, knives, stripes, the color combination of pink and black, and playing, in various forms, as well as winning. She dislikes losing, failing, being scolded, and having her clothes ruined.
History: There isn’t much to go on from the manga’s canon; Luki and Noki are relatively minor characters. We know they somehow came under the care of Angelica Einstellsehn, who subjected them to various modifications and enhancements, though not exactly how. We can deduce they’re from a later generation of experiments than Heine and Giovanni, from both their presumed age and the fact that Heine is said to have killed all the other subjects save Giovanni at the time he left Einstellsehn’s “care” (for lack of a better term).