001. What is your name: Ash
002. Date of birth: 08-16-88
003. Male or female: female
004. Astrological sign: leo
005. Nicknames: Twitch, Chronic Jr.
006. Occupation: student
007. Height: 5'4"
008. Weight: 150
009. Hair color: brown
010. Eye color: blue
011. Where did you last live: Anderson
012. Where do you reside now: Anderson
013. Status: Taken (Joseph)
014. Pets: none
015. Piercings: none
016. Tattoo's: dragon on shoulder
017. Shoe size: 7
018. Righty or lefty: lefty
019. Wearing: black tank and black jeans
020. Hearing: The Killers “Mr. Brightside”
021. Feeling: lazy
022. Eating/drinking: Jose Cuervo
023. Have you ever been in love: yes
024. How many people have you told "I love you": 3
025. How many people have you been in love with: 3
026. What song do you swear was written about you or your life: "Mr Brightside"
027. What's the most embarrassing cd you own: Hanson
028. What's the best cd you own: Tool Undertow
029. What song do you absolutely hate: "MMBOP"
030. Do you sing in the shower: yes
031. What song reminds you of that special someone: "Love Song" by The Cure
032. Color: hot pink
033. Food: pizza
034. Band: Korn/Nirvana
035. Show: The Simpsons
036. School subject: US History
037. Song: "Another Brick In The Wall"
038. Animal: black panther
039. Cartoon: The Simpsons
040. Actor & Actress: Jude Law/Brittany Murphy
Please give enough reasoning to support your opinion.. Details are your friend
041. Virgins: I respect their decisions to remain abstinent because I regret having sex. I wish I would have waited.
042. Religion: I believe that anyone should be able to practice any religion. As a Wiccan; I appreciate my being different, so I believe that anyone has a right to anything religion-wise.
043. Abortion: I do not believe in abortion. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and if you terminate a pregnancy, you are ending something that could have been so great.
044. Inter-racial relationships: I believe that love comes in all shapes and sizes, colors and races. It is perfectly okay for anyone to be with anyone of their choice. I wouldn't want anyone to hold me back from being with someone I want to be with.
045. Pre-marital sex: I believe pre-marital sex is okay. I think that if you are with the right person and you feel the timing is right, anything is perfectly okay.
046. How did you find us and why do you think you should be in this community: I found you randomly on pradababy’s LJ.
047. Do you smoke/drink/do drugs: No
048. Your favorite book and/or film: The Crow (I worshipped Brandon Lee’s existence!)
049. How would you describe yourself and who is your role model: I would describe myself as a fun, caring, and daring person. I would have to say my role model is Angelina Jolie. She is ultimately hot, badass, and she generally doesn’t care.
050. Your 5 favorite celebrities and why: Angelina Jolie: she’s a badass and she has a kid; Brandon Lee: he was an awesome fighter and he starred in the most awesome movie of all time “The Crow”; Michael Jackson: we can all sit back and watch him make an ass out of himself; Kurt Cobain: he led quite a life in his short time…he married a slut and “killed himself”; Brad Renfro: he did this awesome movie which he played a boy who killed someone on accident and ended up at jail with his 3 friends…if only I could remember the movie!
Lookin all innocent…