survey first
001. What is your name: Megan Mae
002. Date of birth: 7/2/90
003. Male or female: female
004. Astrological sign: cancer
005. Nicknames: meg, meggy,mae, meggy-poo, miss megan, etc
006. Occupation: student
007. Height:5'4
008. Weight: 130
009. Hair color: brown with blonde highlights.. soon to be red with blonde highlights
010. Eye color: green
011. Where did you last live: whitinsville, ma, live with parents
012. Where do you reside now: whitinsville, ma, live with parents
013. Status: single
014. Pets: a dog, bayleigh
015. Piercings: navel
016. Tattoo's: none
017. Shoe size: 8.5, 9
018. Righty or lefty: righty
019. Wearing: brown vest, long sleeve gray shirt, belt, jeans
020. Hearing: the early november
021. Feeling: confused.
022. Eating/drinking: nothing.
023. Have you ever been in love: not that i know of yet, then again i wouldn't have known if was because i am young.
024. How many people have you told "I love you": no one except for mom and dad
025. How many people have you been in love with: 0
026. What song do you swear was written about you or your life: the freshmen, verve pipe
027. What's the most embarrassing cd you own: britney spears?
028. What's the best cd you own: fashion nugget by cake
029. What song do you absolutely hate: my humps!
030. Do you sing in the shower: everyday
031. What song reminds you of that special someone: a walk through hell- say anything
032. Color:brown
033. Food:shrimp fetuccini alfredo
034. Band: senses fail
035. Show: grey's anatomy or ER
036. School subject: latin
037. Song: your glasses- maria mena
038. Animal: giraffe
039. Cartoon: none
040. Actor & Actress: rachel mcadams and george clooney
Please give enough reasoning to support your opinion.. Details are your friend
041. Virgins: It's all about you, if you want to have sex then have sex, but be safe about and take the right procautions. It's not about what is right or wrong for me, it's what is right for the person who is choosing to be a virgin. This may have to do with religion, race, ethnicity, morals, etc. Personally I am a virgin and am waiting until marriage to lose my virginity, but it does not mean that I am to look down on those who aren't virgins because it doesn't change who they are as a whole.
042. Religion: Religion when you are younger has a whole lot to do with how you have been raised, your parents morals, and what you have been taught with what is right or wrong. However, when you grow older you start to learn for yourself, and gain your own sense of right and wrong, and what you want to do with your life. Then, if you believe in religion at all, you find the religion that is right for you. Religion to me is not a set of rules and believing in god, and heaven or hell, it is more about guidance. If you are faithful in your religion it may get you through some really tough times.
043. Abortion: I agree with abortion, however it does cause some emotional issues in some cases.. and in some other cases it is done for the "wrong" reasons in my oppinion. In my oppinion it is okay to want something to not have a horrible life if you know that in all of your power you can not provide for this baby. It is also alright if it is going to change your life negatively in a drastic way such as being disowned or putting yourself in danger. However, if there is no reason not to have the baby and atleast put it up for adoption.. why take away a perfectly good life? Why not grant that person atleast the time in this world to find out who they are?
044. Inter-racial relationships: All the Power to you! If people can not see past the color of a skin or how someone dresses according to their ethnicity, then they are not seeing the true person.. they are seeing the outside and nothing more. If you get to know someone who doesn't have the same religion or skin tone as you, but they are a wonderful person that you are truly attracted to.. then what is the problem? Love is supposed to be about supporting someone for everything they are.. not what they look like.
045. Pre-marital sex: I agree with Pre- Marital sex. This is because in some cases such as homosexual relationships and circumstances where two people can not in all of their power be wed, and they really love each other and having sex is a way of showing it.. then why not? PLus, EVERYONE has/or will have sex at a point in their lives. Monks, Nuns, etc being excluded.
046. How did you find us and why do you think you should be in this community: search
047. Do you smoke/drink/do drugs: no
048. Your favorite book and/or film: the davinci code/RENT
049. How would you describe yourself and who is your role model: I am charismatic, obnoxious, hyper, serious, bitchy, pretty, honest, fun, and emotional. My rolemodel is my brother, christopher who is 18.
050. Your 5 favorite celebrities and why:
ellen degeneres- she is who is she is and does not pretend to be anything but that
oprah winfrey- media mogul, successful business woman, and she has helped countless people
rachel mcadams- im sorry but the notebook and mean girls were two great movies.. that is all
mit romney- governor of mass, excellent man, great leader, excited for his presidential campaign
kanye west- he raps about topics that are racey and that some people would otherwhise disagree with, however i did not like his stunt on tv saying, " George Bush does not care about black people" it was immature. However, it was funny..kind of
( i am the one in the vest)