Title: "Wingman" (200 words)
Author: Jimbo
Fandom: 'Top Gun'
Pairing: Maverick/Iceman (Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer)
Date: August 11, 2005
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters -- just borrowing them for the fun of it.
Warnings: Slash.
Notes: Inspired by the comparison between 'S.W.A.T.' and 'Top Gun' made in Mistress Marilyn's
Gamble/Street ship manifesto. Written for Challenge #38 "Wings" at slashthedrabble.
"You can be my wingman anytime."
Tom Kazansky's face showed exultation, that legendary Iceman mien temporarily melting. Most Americans would never know the skill and courage of a handful of Navy pilots that day.
"Bullshit! You can be mine," answered a grinning Pete Mitchell. The two men embraced with force.
Mitchell reached for Kazansky and pulled him under the government-issue sheets. Stifling a sound of protest with his mouth, he crushed the leaner, taller frame against his barrel chest. One steely knee acted as a crowbar to unlock rigid thighs.
Kazansky's breath caught as he was taken, his heels digging into Mitchell's back. "God," was all he said.
"I'm dangerous, Iceman! Remember?" Mitchell said between thrusts.
The next hour was like practicing flight maneuvers over a tiny, mattress-shaped course, cocks, tongues and limbs acting in place of missiles, joysticks and after-burners.
"I see your confidence came back, Maverick," Iceman said later in a sleepy voice, addressing Mitchell by his infamous call sign.
Chuckling, Mitchell said, "Yeah. I guess so."
The two men held one another in a tight grip.
"So who's Top Gun around here, Iceman?"
Kazansky's shapely lips grazed the skin of Mitchell's neck as he answered.
"You are."
The End